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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. A new project I'm working on. Talked it over with Chuck and he was gracious enough to let me post this here on the board in a new informative/comedic style segment. I'll be doing Angels series recaps and in the Ducks thread I'll be posting Ducks game recaps. Along with a top 3 performers of the series and a few selected topics to discuss. Check it out and let me know what you guys think! Still new to the whole Youtube world so bear with me as I improve. Maybe I'll put together a couple of clean peanuts. Anyhow... Enjoy! *Slightly NSFW with a few bombs in there* Series Recap Video
  2. I'm fairly positive that your optimism is a bunch of crap!
  3. No offense to the OP but was this ever a question? I think we all knew the rotation would be the weakest part of this team (followed closely by the bullpen). Obviously it's still early but you gotta bet this rotation will get a bit better. ERAs in the low 4s for most. Maybe 1 or possibly 2 in the 3.50-4 range. The bullpen is going to be wrecked by July at this pace. Bud Norris is the savior of the pen right now. If the offense can score runs we can at least keep our heads above water with rotation numbers like stated above. The biggest issue after that is the IP length. We need or rotation to give some 6-7 IP performances.
  4. Game day! How we feeling, folks? Gibby is your starter. 4-2 Ducks win tonight is my call.
  5. Anyone know if Marte has any experience in the OF? Potential LF candidate if Maybin/Revere don't pan out and Marte continues to hit. Slot Cron back into 1B.
  6. It's truly something special going on early in this season. I left the inning after the Skaggs blow up inning. Got home around 11 and saw the score. I couldn't believe it. For the first time in 3 years I felt that "We might actually have a fucking shot at this" feeling. Rotation definitely needs to get a little deeper though. We need 6+ IP more than what we've seen so far but I'm not hitting the panic button on that just yet. See how Shoe continues to progress and how Richards looks in his next start. Go from there.
  7. The chants during that beat down were legendary. Holy hell WWE is trolling the fans and as much as I hate it, I gotta admit it's pretty damn funny. Any reaction is a good reaction in Vince's eyes. Cheers and boos are the same. If Roman comes out and the arena is silent then WWE has a problem.
  8. Huge moves on day 1 of the roster shakeup! Wyatt, Ambrose, Miz, Alexa Bliss, Mickie James, Slater/Rhyno, Kalisto, Apollo Crews all headed to the Red brand. Looks like Charlotte and KO are heading to Blue. Still a chance more guys go to Raw on tonight's SDL. I still want AJ Styles on Raw. Let's talk about the Stroman/Reigns incident. Holy shit! That was one of the best back stage beat downs in a long time. Had attitude era written all over it. Fin Balor got knocked out by a forearm to the head in his match with Jinder Mahal. Poor guy has had a rough go in his main roster time.
  9. Ritchie gets a meeting with player safety. Lol... Yet, Giordano gets nothing. Come on.
  10. Here's a preview of another Ducks vs Preds series... Ducks - dump and chase.. Preds- Rinne cuts it off. Preds break out and score. Rinse and repeat. I can't take another series like that. I'll pull my hair out.
  11. I honestly still hope we lose the division to Edmonton. I much rather face that sinking ship in San Jose than Nashville. Learn from the past mistakes, guys! We can't beat Nashville. Idc how positive you are about this team. Some teams just have your number.
  12. Yup. Cheapest ticket on Stubhub was $60 last night. $29 now after the announcement. Ouch!
  13. Only way the Ducks lose tonight is if they play down. Chicago is healthy scratching Toews, Hossa, Keith, Seabrook, Anisimov, and Hjalmersson.
  14. Wish he would've kicked someone's ass though. That could've put him over even more. Stake his claim to the main card.
  15. It's gonna be great when Calgary snaps their losing streak at Honda Center in Game 7.
  16. Might be based on your area. I get the normal FSW and PT feeds in Ventura County.
  17. Raw last night was great too! Finn Balor finally back. Angle RAW GM! Lesnar vs Braun at Payback? Fuck Reigns. That segment was great though.
  18. Best Wrestlemania in years! The fucking Hardy Boyz! Un freaking believable. We had a watch party at my house and my best friend and I lost our shit. What a phenomenal moment!
  19. Getzlaf missing last night's game was a blessing imo. 2 of Anaheim's 3 losses this month have been against crap teams. Canucks and Buffalo. Ducks fall into that habit of playing down to the opponent's level. Without Getzlaf in the lineup they couldn't afford to do that. I doubt it's anything serious. Even if he misses tomorrow's game too that's okay. Let him be a bit more rested for the big games Saturday and Sunday.
  20. I haven't watched last night's episode yet but WOW. Last week's episode! This show is amazing. That final scene was pretty epic. Seriously though, how do you not send in the cavalry? Why is it just Wells?
  21. Damn that was one helluva game. That 2nd period was amazing.
  22. Getzlaf is right on pace with his norm for Assists. Probably finish with around 50ish. Currently at 43. His goals are the issue and lack of shooting the puck. He's never been a huge goal scorer. Only 30+ goals once in his career. I'd be okay with a 20 G, 50 A season from him. FFS, just stop it with the no look drop passes. Perry is the waste of money though. Granted, many of the advanced stats show he's just incredibly unlucky but 2 straight years of bad luck? I don't buy it. He's lost a big step in his game. Like Nate said, he doesn't grind it out and make his living in front of the net anymore. I just wish we had a legit top line LW to place with Getzlaf and Rakell. Rakell's value is also being overlooked due to his lack of production with assists. He's going to score 30 but might not even reach 50 pts.
  23. Kurt Angle is in the house tonight in Pittsburgh for Smackdown Live! Holy shit!
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