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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. A loss is a loss. That's why I don't count those 2 series. They still blew it.
  2. Penalties killed the Ducks last night. Winnable game and the Ducks shit the bed with dumbass penalties. Like they said on the broadcast, only so many times can you poke the Edmonton PP bear before they strike. More salt on the wound.. The Ducks have failed to win a Series when trailing dating back to the Cup season 2006-07 when they beat Detroit after falling down 1-0 and 2-1 in the series. Ugh... Not throwing in the towel just yet but damn. I really hope this team has some fight in them.
  3. About damn time! Hockey is back! I think Vatanen is out tonight. So Theo draws back in with KB2. Hampus with Manson and Fowler with Montour.
  4. Fox Sports 1 destroys ESPN in coverage and content now. They can go to hell.
  5. He'll be 38 in October. The media is attacking him and calling him reckless for this lol. The dude is 37 and this might have been his last chance at a Cup. The one thing he's been trying to get his entire career. Fuck off, media.
  6. Yeah.. Let's sell all of those great pieces we have. Besides Trout and Simmons there's nothing of significant value. Calhoun wouldn't bring in anything spectacular. We need to bleed before we can heal. The 2016 offseason free agent class was AWFUL. Angels were wise not to spend money on non impact players. The 2017 and 2018 offseason free agent classes are going to be insane. That's where you spend your money. Meanwhile, a couple of great drafts between 16-18 will help replenish the Farm. So by 2018, the farm is in much better shape, there are game changer free agents on the market, and the Angels are finally out of the Weaver/Wilson/Hamilton money. You don't see it now but come 2018 and beyond the Angels are going to be in good shape. Patience pays off.
  7. Joe Thornton played with a torn MCL/ACL. Holy shit.
  8. Also, The more I think about it and a buddy of mine made a great point. I think we'll be seeing Holzer and Theodore sitting for Cam and Vats. Theo has 5 points but also against a pretty shitty Brian Elliott. This series will be about defense for the Ducks. Montour has looked a lot better defensively than Theodore. Ducks will get their goals on Talbot for sure.
  9. How old do you think the Ducks are? Our Dmen alone are average age of 25. Forwards on the higher side of 28. Sounds like a team in their prime imo.
  10. Edmonton for sure. Much rather face Talbot than Jones.
  11. I can see Fleury going to Calgary next season. A few decent options available. Gotta groom a stud goalie from within though to succeed.
  12. There is no way you sit a guy with 5 pts, Wicked lol. Theo has been a little iffy on defense/pinching in but his offense outweighs that significantly. We're going to need that more than Montour. He's been solid as well, but you don't bench the hot hand.
  13. Well Frolik chopped a ref in the leg while going after Holzer in game 3 and he didn't get an auto 10 games like Vermette. The NHL and the Safety Team is full of shit.
  14. Meanwhile... Jett Bandy is batting 333/.375/.700 187 WRC+
  15. No one is saying trade him or DFA him. It's not blasphemy to drop him down to 5, 6, or 7 in the lineup for a few games (or give him a game off) to get the flow going again. Simmons up to the 2 hole would be a solid move imo. At least for a few games. Just cus he gets moved down in the order doesn't mean he can't have success in the new spot in the order lol. So the "we could miss the great week" comment is kinda meh to me.
  16. First time offender. GMs have asked for fines only for first time offenders. I don't think he gets suspended.
  17. Enjoy fellas! I had some fun with this one. Probably still held back on the rage though, haha.
  18. Benching Gibson wasn't for his performance. It was to send a message to the team to get their heads out of their asses. It worked! No way Gibby isn't in net tomorrow. Side note, my recap video is going to be an emotional ride. Holy hell!
  19. Fowler skated today and didn't rule out coming back before the end of this series! Wow! I'd hold off on bringing him back unless we're backed up against a wall. Let him get healthy for round 2. We'll need him against Edmonton!
  20. Calgary has dominated the 2nd period in both games. Ducks score early in both. Ducks again control the 3rd for the most part until a final push by Calgary late in the 3rd. It almost felt like Game 1 was on repeat (for the most part)
  21. Game 2 video up a little late. Easter and family.... Bastards. Anyhow, enjoy! Game 3 tonight. Can't wait.
  22. Ryan effin Getzlaf. Unbelievable performance last night. Not on the score sheet but Corey Perry also played an amazing game. I felt like either he, Getzlaf, or Kase always had the puck. Great to see! Killing that 5-3 took balls. What effort!
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