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Posts posted by maestro

  1. 3 minutes ago, Taylor said:

    I must've forgotten that a game got rained out in Southern California in the middle of July. WTF?

    It’s okay, that day just came to mind immediately for me because I started my first credited position the next day. And it was a rainout in the middle of July. Quite a memorable couple days haha.

     It was definitely a warm, muggy Florida type of rainout that day

  2. 38 minutes ago, ten ocho recon scout said:

    Now that we start multiple "lynch cozart" threads, the gods do what they do to us..

    So really in a way it’s Cozart’s fault those injuries happened...

    It all makes sense now

  3. Have my season seats for the game tonight, going to make the track down from Pasadena here soon! Go Angels!

    im looking at the lineup and it looks pretty dang solid. But it leaves me wondering- is there a change in philosophy in what kind of hitter the cleanup hitter is? Simmons has had a great hit streak and is hitting nearly .340 over his last 14 games, but he’s also slugging under .400.

    Makes me think he and La Stella could swap spots in the lineup and we would have as many opportunities to score but actually have more come to fruition in scoring. I know it’s a comfort thing on Simmons end (what I’ve heard reported I believed) that he doesn’t like leading off as much. But I feel like it’s a bit of a waste to have him in that spot rather than La Stella or Calhoun. 

    Probably not that big of a deal, just thinking out loud. Should be a good game!

  4. You guys are great posters and it's a pleasure to read the discussions and thoughts you all have! You guys post arguments and news and discussion points and stats so quick most of the time, there isn't even anything a guy like me can really add outside of "go Angels!" haha. You do all the research and work because of your passion for the team/game and it enables fans like me to be better connected to this passion. So thank you HOF'ers! The only way I could think of making it somewhat even is to pay for the ad-exemption, which I just did lol.

  5. 26 minutes ago, Kevinb said:

    Thank you so much Eric N. and Kyle J. So much appreciation for this website. You guys are incredible. Not sure your screen names. But if someone can link them that’d be great. 

    You’re very welcome!


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