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Everything posted by Wallerrrr

  1. yeah, and matt cain's era will stay above 7.00 ...john buck will remain on pace for 70+ home runs ...and players like travis hafner and tommy hanson wont have any DL stints... still a looooooong season ahead
  2. i miss the ST games...at elast would could tie in those
  3. spring training doesnt count, 'member
  4. i think i overrated the angels more than i underrated the a's
  5. thats what fans do, they find something to b*tch about...wells just happened to be one of the topics the last few years
  6. he even has some luck on his side this season too...in yesterdays game w/ the bases loaded he hit a deep flyball to center that adam jones (o's) misplayed and all 3 base runners scored. it went down as an error but still, wells wont be blasted by NY media for failing to get the job done...all 3 runners came around and it was the difference in the game
  7. Wells' happiness translating into results lol
  8. i have no idea if it has ever happened...i do know what has happened tho, greinke has plunked quentin... you're basically saying greinke had nothing coming his was after hitting him, staring him down, jawing at him, then walking towards him as quentin is walking towrads him...wtf do you expect to happen? hand shakes? dry humping? fist bumps? btw...take a look at the pic KRB posted Lawrence, he clearly is not crowding the plate
  9. Well, then he'd be a pu$$y with no broken bones Greinke deserved what he got. He threw a fastball up and in at a guy he supposedly has history with, then afer hitting him he walks towards the plate even though he knows Quentin is coming at him....Maybe next time he will take the "pu$$y route" as you like to call it. I think now Greinke looks like more of a tool because not only did he throw at him (again) but he tried to fight him and ended up with a broken collar bone...cant imagine that earned him too much "respect" around the league
  10. Agreed. its not like Greinke walked away from it, hell he walked directly at Quentin. If he is going to engage in the altercation he deserves what he gets
  11. or he was sitting on a fastball...since jepsen throws predominantly fastballs.
  12. i hope they never change it, that song rules
  13. yeah, Oakland hasnt done anything special...they just dont f*ck themselves out of wins
  14. AO, really? Moreno and the 1980's version of Steinbrenner dont even compare. Place blame on the players/coaching staff if you need to place blame but to blame Arte is stupid
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