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Everything posted by Justin

  1. I'm visiting my parents out of state for the weekend. In years gone by, my dad hasn't really known anything about the Angels except Trout and Pujols - whom, despite how many times I have corrected him, he always pronounces "Poo-Joels" But my dad is also a UCLA grad and I've been emailing him Canning articles since April; now he wants to watch any time Griffin pitches.
  2. Anybody have that 4th of July meme from all those years ago where Trout has the American flag in his hands instead of the bat?
  3. The Angels have a rookie playing tonight who looks like a 14 year old boy.
  4. Why? I appreciate him expressing his bewilderment. That was yet another idiotic move by Bour.
  5. First homer of the summer for Trout! Well done. Hope this starts a hot streak.
  6. I was at the Angels-Dodgers game in '98 when Adrian Beltre hit a double in his first at bat. I now believe Thaiss will have a comparable career.
  7. I thought the same thing. All I can come up with is that I was thinking of Taylor Ward.
  8. I feel like there's a joke to be made about some of these plus-size women I see in the crowd.
  9. I read this afternoon it was a scheduled day off, still easing him back
  10. Two errors (even if it wasn't scored that way), BB, and a HBP only results in 1 run. Could have been a LOT worse.
  11. That .000 average with RISP doesn't do it for you?
  12. What would be your best-case scenario in a return for him?
  13. Tell that to the two dudes I met at the bar last night.
  14. You mean the umps don't make any call at all, they just go straight to the technology? I'd be cool with that, though I suspect the union would view that as a path towards eliminating umpires altogether.
  15. Guys like Cuzzi, Hernandez, and Diaz will constantly be embarrassed. Their incompetence will be even easy to quantify. The umpires union doesn't want that.
  16. Exactly. His highs this year have been so high that it's more noticeable when he has games like the last few. However, if "Mike Trout's performance at the plate" is in your top 50 concerns for the 2019 Angels, I don't know what to tell you.
  17. The strike zone is atrocious. The five-run lead (er, six now) is somewhat masking it, but this might be the worst I have seen this season.
  18. The thing I love about watching him is when he gives up a homer like just now - or multiple runs in an inning like he did against the Dodgers a couple of weeks ago - he doesn't panic, he doesn't melt down... he just bears down and goes back to work. Maturity beyond his years.
  19. Don't be ridiculous. He won me a Miller High Life.
  20. I was at a bar in New Orleans a couple of years ago where the DJ had the customers play a game where they clinched a shot glass with their butt cheeks and if they walked the length of the bar without dropping the glass, they got a free drink. The way those contestants moved is exactly how Albert runs.
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