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Everything posted by Justin

  1. Funny to see these comments back to back, because they are my two main thoughts on Heaney: 1) Pitchers under club control are such a luxury. Even though I don't think Heaney will ever be fully healthy - didn't he admit as much with his "I hate my body" article? - it just feels worth taking the risk to keep him. The payoff could be so much bigger than the letdown. Intellectually I know it's not likely but still... And 2) I've been an Angels fan since I was 7 years old, but Kendrick is the only player whose jersey/shirt I ever bought. I was such a big fan. Part of me not wanting to give up on Heaney is that I desperately want that trade to have not been a complete bust.
  2. He's still arbitration eligible for two more seasons. Do you think there is any chance he can give the Angels their money's worth? It certainly won't be a high figure.
  3. 7 ERA and 1.5 WHIP in AAA. I don't think they are counting on him to be part of the MLB club's future.
  4. I actually thought Richards/Heaney/Skaggs/Tropeano was a rotation that could be relied on to be a consistent contender. In 30+ years of watching baseball, it is the single dumbest opinion I have ever had.
  5. Imagine 18 years of no postseason. Imagine winning 116 games in a season and then losing to the Yankees in October. Imagine having Junior, ARod, Big Unit and Ichiro all on your team in less than half a decade and never making it to the World Series. Let them celebrate a shutout. They won't be celebrating anything else with Dipoto there.
  6. The month of July isn't even 2/3 over and the Angels have already had a player die and their All-Star second baseman break his leg on a foul ball. A Mike Leake perfect game seems par for the course.
  7. Is there a single person who did not see that coming?
  8. He's thrown 37 pitches. What Andrew Heaney would call "an effective inning."
  9. And also give him Ohtani, a non-rookie Canning, and a free agent starter who isn't Harvey or Cahill.
  10. Albert has 1/16 the bWAR of Trout, so I will show 1/16 the concern. Actually, I'm a compassionate person; I will show 1/8 the concern.
  11. Nope. He's done. Seattle is awful and the whole team was riding an emotional high last weekend.
  12. I consider a scoreless inning with no BB to be a shutdown inning for Heaney, no matter how many hits he gives up
  13. Jeff Fletcher wrote about this the other day - it's the AL Division leaders who own the Angels (3-13). Against everyone else, the Angels are 45-33.
  14. Rick Ankiel threw 5 in one inning once. Not sure about the Angels team record.
  15. “His strikeout rate is we believe sustainable, his pitch quality from a raw data standpoint – spin rates and such – compares favorably with the upper-echelon pitchers in our league" - Jerry Dipoto
  16. Solid at bat, Upton. There should be a kangaroo court for any pitcher who throws him a fastball.
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