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Everything posted by Justin

  1. Maybe Cole will like Eppler's sales pitch and want to be in Anaheim. Like Trout did. Like Ohtani did. We should at least consider the possibility that players in MLB don't regard the Angels organization in the same negative way that so many people on AW and Twitter do.
  2. Thaiss did not commit an error that inning. So that's progress.
  3. You mean we shouldn't want Eppler fired because the rookies make mistakes? I'll consider it.
  4. At first pitch yesterday, I did not think there was a chance to split the series. When the Angels blew a 3-run lead, I did not think there was a chance to win the game. When Bedrosian walked the leadoff batter in the 8th, I did not think there was a chance to get out of the inning scoreless. THIS is why I still watch the games even though the season has been tremendously frustrating. This is why I am going to miss baseball when the season ends. No matter what has happened previously in the season, or the month, or the week, or even the series… you never know what might happen in any one game. This team isn't going to be playing in October but they have not given up on the season or each other.
  5. It was ugly but at least he tried. He's had some this year where he struck out without taking the bat off his shoulder. Those always annoy me more.
  6. Do you think that's just a function of being brand-new to MLB? Or will it always be a concern? (I didn't follow him in the minors at all.)
  7. I honestly thought there was a good chance for a triple play, so I'm happy with scoring the run.
  8. I'm certainly glad they re-signed Trout, but an AW meltdown would have been more entertaining than the current lethargy I feel. "Oh well, we suck again, for the fourth year in a row." Some day the pitchers have to stay healthy... right? This can't happen five years in a row, can it?
  9. He had a single but I don't fault you for not noticing; it was surrounded by three Ks. Lifeless at bats in a lifeless game. That wasn't the most frustrating game of the season by any means, but it was probably the least enjoyable to watch.
  10. In addition to signing Cole this offseason, the Angels should find a couple more players like Mike Trout.
  11. One of the Angels 2019 catchers just hit a three-run bomb. Unfortunately, he plays for Oakland now.
  12. The only thing crappier than watching that unfurl is how predictable it all was.
  13. This post really hit me hard. I'm so glad the little guy is doing okay and I hope he keeps getting better. My brother died three months ago (leukemia, 39 years old) and it has been awful. We were very close and spent god-knows-how-many-hours together at the ballpark when we were younger. On one hand, I had hoped the Angels would have a very special season and I could watch some meaningful games with my brother's ashes by my side. It has been depressing as hell to see yet another season full of injuries, not to mention a player's death. On the other hand, baseball is just a game; it's supposed to be fun. Yeah, this season has sucked, but there will be others. There always are. In the grand scheme of things, a crappy baseball season is nothing compared to the other things that can happen to us in life.
  14. I would be okay with 2 more years of not making the playoffs. I would NOT be okay with two more years of losing records.
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