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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. Your back would hurt too if you had to carry an entire franchise on it every freakin' game.
  2. Joe is THE MAN. This awesome. Some of the best interviews and many breaking stories have been delivered by Joe over the years. AngelsWin getting Joe McDonnell is like any baseball team signing the biggest and best free agent on the open market. Congratulations Chuck!
  3. So... he's due. That's good news.
  4. I still look forward to being at the park when Weaver takes the mound. I love watching him pitch. He's an artist and I am glad he's on this team, period.
  5. I could get used to this.
  6. I'm glad this still gets talked about because we should never forget.
  7. I think McDonald is a good fit for the role he has.
  8. Bad news on the anniversary of Nick Adenhart's death no less... crap, crap, crap.
  9. Don't forget... Trout signed extension...
  10. The Angels have to beat the teams within their own division... that's the bottom line. They absolutely have to do this.
  11. I was pretty calm until I started reading this thread... now I'm amped up and ready for the first pitch.
  12. Mike Trout Clatyon Kershaw Jose Fernandez Andrelton Simmons Chris Sale
  13. Jered has shown his ability to adapt... Jeff didn't for the most part. Jered already has more K's in his career 1,236 in just 8 seasons compared to Jeff's 1,214 in his 13 year career. They are not that similar. Career WHIP for Jeff - 1.367. For Jered - 1.143. If they have similar genetics, similar deliveries, etc. - how come their results are so different? Jered'd K/9 innings have been exactly the same the last two seasons. Last year his WHIP and BB/9 were below his career average. Sure, he's going to regress some, everyone does - but he's not in the same discussion as Jeff.
  14. Hamiltown - by citing Jeff declining velocity you're implying that Jered's career will have a similar fate and that's just wrong. You know better. You know that velocity is only one component of pitching and to focus on that; especially with a pitcher like Jered is just flawed.
  15. audio says it all... http://espn.go.com/espnradio/play?id=10555543
  16. IP - That's true... but when a national writer dismisses the Angels that easily, it makes me angry. These guy make bad predictions all the time - you'd think they'd learn a little humility. I find his comments arrogant and insulting. I usually don't give a rip about what writers say about the Angels - but this particular article was written like a 12 year old did it. The statements are predictable and not without a great deal of thought.
  17. Given that a lot of people thought Trout wouldn't even consider an extension and bolt as soon as possible... six years is great news and let's just wait and see how many years actually materialize.
  18. the comments that follow the article are just as special... unbelievable. I love the idea that most of these writers have written off the Angels now and in the near future. How often are their predictions even close to being right?
  19. Growing up in the OC, he was my first favorite player as a kid... I'm so incredibly sad.
  20. I saw an article today about how the Rockies are going to retire Todd Helton's number. Helton just retired. Salmon retired in 2006 and the Angels have yet to give him that honor. Isn't it time? No one else has worn the number since and I would hate to see anyone else wear it in the future. I think a case could be made for Garret Anderson as well. These two own just about every significant offensive record for the Halos and these two players have had a bigger impact on the franchise than some of the numbers up on the wall in right field...
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