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Everything posted by Dtwncbad

  1. Your response seemingly has nothing to do with what I posted. The number of “formal offers” is irrelevant to the point I made.
  2. The Cuban name seems like random speculation to me. But the speculation that there could be a deal happening isn’t exactly “random” speculation. He was willing to sell before. He was well into the process before. He changed his mind with the only explanation being the “unfinished business” which was never exactly defined. Ohtani was unique enough that trying to win with him certainly could have been a big part of Moreno’s change of heart. Ohtani is now gone. Moreno is 100 years old. His family doesn’t want to run the team when he is gone. So he IS going to sell the team at some point. The Orioles just announced a deal. It is almost unbelievable that those interested in buying the Orioles would not be actively checking on the Angels, potentially creating a temptation for Moreno to either sell to one of those buyers or to revive the deal with a previous bidder. So I don’t think it is “random” speculation as much as it is reasonable speculation.
  3. If the Angels are really moving forward now on an ownership change, it seems most likely that the new owner would be one of the potential buyers from the last time he was going to sell. If may part of the overall rumor is incorrect, I would bet on Cuban as the buyer being the incorrect part. And that’s what I would hope anyway, as Cuban isn’t somebody I would be excited about as a new owner.
  4. And Trevor Bauer, someone who was the victim of fraudulent claims and extortion, must be excluded from mlb rosters to teach your kids this? Wow. I am just astonished at the lack of mental discipline. Should people teach their sons that they should roll over and allow their careers to be destroyed by criminals, you know, to be in lock step with some hashtag?
  5. So the poll is basically. . . Are you MORE of a Trout fan than an Angel fan or are you MORE of an Angel fan than a Trout fan?
  6. I understand this for sure. But, any picks they make in the next 2 years will likely not help the team within the next 4-5 years. And if you actually want to win, you probably have to concentrate your resources into certain windows. The Angels have lots of young players now coming into their primes, so you can argue that this next few years IS the window to concentrate your resources into. Getting Snell and Burnes would maximize this window, while the couple of draft picks probably would not. . . Unless you traded them in a package to get an impact player. But if you are willing to do that, then just sign the players you need and forfeit the picks.
  7. Plenty of space for different opinions. His swing isn’t my favorite because all I see is a guy with very deliberate, coached mechanics applying a technique, rather than a talented natural hitter with his own natural swing in the batters box naturally squaring off against a pitcher. If it works, that’s fine. But I couldn’t say “I like his swing.”
  8. If the plan is to trade an OF (and mlb trade rumors says it would be Ward or Adell), then I really hope they trade the 30 year old Ward rather than the 25 year old Adell. I give Ward lots of credit for figuring out a way over many years to be productive in the majors. But Adell has so much more athleticism and raw skills and is so much younger, and he “finally” is showing some evidence that he is turning the corner. I put “finally” in quotes because it is notable that to some Adell has had his chance and is a bust at 25 when Ward had no productivity in the majors to speak of until he was 28. I’ll hold on to the guy that has far more years ahead of him.
  9. I don’t want to sidetrack this thread. But let me just say that there are people that literally cannot get along face to face, cannot even function with each other, because of their different social/political opinions. And the there are others that may have wildly different social and political convictions, complete with plenty of energy to disagree, even aggressively AS A MATTERS OF DEBATE. . . but can easily easily get along with each other face to face in real life, and enjoy each others company as legitimate friends. One obvious limitation on a message board is that people from opposite sides of a debate most often don’t even have a chance to function with each other outside of the debate. And that’s kind of a shame because most people are far more valuable/interesting/funny/fun/loyal as friends, etc than just their debate positions.
  10. I don’t know. It seems like the biggest “lefty/righty” issue with this roster is not the lack of another left handed bat, but the rather modest level of success that some of the right handed hitters on this team have against lefties. To that end, you can almost argue that they need a right handed bat that just crushes left handers.
  11. Nice post. Having real life stuff affect what you post here happens to all of us (at least I know it has for me at times). Hang in there, and I hope things get better.
  12. It’s all crazy money to normal people like you and me. But don’t you think $46m a year for Ohtani is actually not all that shocking, given his two-way productions and massive, massive marketing appeal?
  13. Look I am just saying the dollar amount of $700m only looks “ridiculous” if you fully ignore the real world math of the deferment. I personally it’s think it’s a fair point.
  14. Not picking at YOU personally but I find it a bit “off” for fans to keep citing the $700m future payment obligation in any context that views it or compares it to a contract without a deferment. It’s really for current conversation purposes a ten year $460m(ish) deal.
  15. Agreed. You can’t complain about what was available to every team. Every team FULLY understands that deferred money is an option. Would these same complaining Angel fans really want the Angels to have a $70m cash obligation for ten consecutive years to a retired player?
  16. Wow, jsnpriitchett and I have agreement on a few consecutive comments. Maybe he doesn’t completely loathe me as a human being after all?
  17. The negotiation clearly mathematically includes interest. And mlb has a set interest rate standard calculation to properly VALUE the compensation in todays dollars in order to properly include the most accurate amount in the current salary tax calculations. You seem to be asking for something that is already 100% employed.
  18. Yes exactly. They didn’t find a loophole. The Dodgers found a player that uniquely didn’t really have any need for immediate cash flow from salary. And Ohtani found an organization that can fearlessly financially absorb the eventual mismatch of paying that level of deferment to a retired player no longer producing for them on the field. So it’s not some newly found loophole. It’s just the perfect relationship to execute what has already been done of tons of times, just done to an extreme because both parties can uniquely accept the extreme nature of the deal.
  19. I almost feel compelled to post something after your broken record posts, just to save the next thread viewer from the painful, disappointing gut punch letdown of seeing your comment as the most recent addition to a discussion.
  20. Grossly insensitive to Native Americans.
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