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Everything posted by Dtwncbad

  1. Just did some quick, rough math based on actuary tables. There is about a ten percent chance Clint Eastwood dies before the Angels win another regular season game.
  2. Huge announcement from the Angels today!!!! Did you guys hear? ”Happy Birthday Estevez”
  3. I am 100% calm. Being direct and straight to the point doesn’t make you “triggered.”
  4. No, you took it personally. If someone said “anyone voting for Trump is dumb” that is not a PERSONAL attack. That’s a general opinion. You are just taking it personally and that’s not for me to fix.
  5. Facts and opinions are not personal attacks. If you don’t like what I write, manage your feelings better.
  6. Biden is colluding with Ukraine, indisputably one of the most corrupt governments on earth over the last 20 years. Anybody still holding on to the Trump/Russian collusions narrative is dumb as a box of rocks. All you have left in your commitment to the narrative is basically somebody spoke to somebody, so that has to qualify as collusion, right? But do as much mental gymnastics as is necessary to pretend Biden is pure in his relationship with Ukraine.
  7. It works however Ohtani worked it out with his agent.
  8. This really is the least entertaining “hot stove” for an Angel fan I can ever remember. This worse than watching paint dry. This is watching dry paint to see if it maybe gets drier.
  9. I wonder how hard Bellinger might be trying to join that Dodger roster.
  10. Is the guy who does NOTHING but repost other people’s tweets criticizing me for being unoriginal or restating the obvious?
  11. The White Sox signed him to set themselves up at the trade deadline to move Maldonado to a contender for a prospect. They just purchased a prospect in free agency.
  12. My personal feeling is a team owner can openly be disciplined to stay under the luxury tax for one of two reasons: 1). if you demonstrate that you can be competitive in doing so 2). you are a poor small market team Given where this team is today, they should have no regard for the luxury tax. Go get players. Trade for bad contracts if it gets you good players. The luxury tax money restriction, for right now anyway, needs to be thrown out the window.
  13. All year long? No, we will be hearing this for the full remainder of Arte’s ownership. He decided to sell once, changed his mind, he is 111 years old and there is no family succession plan. There is no way that “Arte might be selling soon” isn’t a consistent story from this point forward.
  14. I would hold on to Adell. I think he is going to be fine. Maybe not the superstar people hoped for, but I really think this guy is on the brink of being a meaningful offensive player. It’s Ward or Moniak that I would move (if they sign an OF).
  15. Merry Christmas everyone. Last night was same Christmas Eve tradition of Tamales and Pasole. My wife’s family is Italian but there were two generations that lived in New Mexico so the family traditional food is more Tamales than pasta. I put two tamales into a bowl and then cover it with the pasole. The tamales soak in all the juice and flavor of the pasole broth. It’s just delicious.
  16. The first “personal attack” in the exchange: “It’s quite clear that neither your reading comprehension nor your ability to see around corners has improved at all since the season ended.”
  17. Nobody here will argue with the true expert on being a laughingstock. You are an advanced natural at it.
  18. So you are saying only scrubs would realistically want to be here? Nevin wanted to keep managing the Angels.
  19. DH depth? He would be about the 11th best DH on the roster. He can’t hit. His bat is barely passable as a backup catcher. If he isn’t catching he should literally never be in the batters box.
  20. An increase in Arte quotes on everything going on would not serve him well given the reputation for “meddling” with every move. As a fan, I don’t need to be closer to the owner’s emotions. I need to be closer to winning postseason series.
  21. Why does one stop the other? Make the best trades you can and sign the best players you can.
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