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Everything posted by well_red

  1. Best way to break up this shitty run of games is to run yourself in to pointless outs
  2. They are gonna need to define a whole new set of merit badges for coed jamborees.
  3. clearly there is some tendon-destroying toxin built up in the clubhouse piping
  4. he's killing it right now on the mound and at the plate, why would we change a single damn thing?
  5. That's basically when I quit as a kid, too many sports obligations for scouting to be useful. That and the local troop was a bunch of creepy wierdo kids and overbearing fathers. Still think this is a business decision and not some high-ground moral statement. My wife worked for the OC council, before that I never understood depth of the connection between LDS and scouting, especially in well off places like OC. They are losing 20% of the scouts and most of their donations/sponsorships because of the LDS announcement. Once they made clear their stance on gay troop leaders, this became inevitable. The PR problem around girls & gays is long-standing and pre-dates any the existing SJW stuff, when they opened their "Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center" 10 years ago they purposely left off any mention of the Boy Scouts because so many organizations wouldn't book events at a Boy Scout facility.
  6. Better for who? The Boy Scouts are a giant organization with a ton of highly payed career employees, they are trying to make more money.
  7. It's funny that people get bent out of shape over this. Boy Scout enrollment and influence has been waning for decades. Either they had to become more attractive to a larger portion of the population, or just accept being an arm of the LDS church. Doesn't seem bizarre in the context of your second statement. I'd be thrilled if my daughter wanted to join the boy scouts and learn how to camp and wield a knife and be comfortable in nature, as opposed to the girl scouts where she would learn how to smile at strangers in a stater bros parking lot to sell cookies.
  8. Parker’s delivery is modeled on George Costanza’s oral sex technique
  9. Kicking the catcher first is absolute genius
  10. It's all fine when they are going after serial murderers. But what happens when someone in Alabama wants to figure out who got an abortion? Or some DEA agent wants to know who smoke a doobie in Colorado? The precedent is staggering due to it's potential for abuse.
  11. "congratulations! you are 42% croatian, 26% german, and someone in your family is likely a serial rapist & murderer". does everyone who paid the fee to get their genealogy test from those sights also know they consented to possibly incriminating everyone in their distant family? i'm all for modern forensics technology but this seems sketchy, especially if they just took a list of possibly family matches, staked them all out and waited until they each threw away their tray at mcdonalds. guess it depends on the details of how the investigation went down.
  12. I was gonna say there’s a bunch of little bitches in here but then Skaggs gets lit up up oh well
  13. i remember that and since then i've thought verlander is a little bitch.
  14. yeah I wish more players would bunt into the shift. every time. except for pujols. think the shift is more "bad for baseball" than bunting into said shift. I saw a followup article just now where the guy said he had a problem with the bunt because in the previous inning, the orioles didn't hold on at first place, but since they were up 7-0 then the twins respected that and didn't steal the free base. therefore, the twins shouldn't have bunted into the shift as a some sort of gentlemanly agreement. i'm not sure why they even bothered to play out the game, surely a gentleman would concede victory at a score of 7-0.
  15. mind officially blown. maybe it is an april fool's joke? http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/23001797/minnesota-twins-upset-chance-sisco-baltimore-orioles-bunted-vs-shift-9th
  16. the problem is that the link between coffee and cancer is as of now tenuous at best. the chemical was found to raise cancer risks in animals at 1000-10000 times the usual coffee dosage. no statistical evidence actually exists for a link between coffee and a heightened cancer risk in humans at normal consumption levels. the same chemical is found in potato chips, bread, cookies that have been browned etc... by such criteria it is hard not to imagine a world where 90% of the items in a grocery store have some possible link to some carcinogenic substance. totally different situation than say the link between smoking and lung cancer, chewing tobacco and oral cancer, hpv and cervical cancer, etc.
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