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Everything posted by Stradling

  1. If we can pull tomorrow out we will be perfectly fine. I'll take a 3-3 road trip to Cinci and Texas especially if we get no production from Hamilton.
  2. Yes if they were intimidating the family or being verbally abusive to them then yes they are garbage. As for my experience the last couple days they weren't too bad. I had a few give me a hard time but that's too be expected.
  3. Sorry but it was stupid to think this wouldn't happen. If ever there was a series to miss it was this one.
  4. They were both no doubters. I don't know what it looked like on TV but the first one, was crushed and the center fielder didn't even move. The second one was a line drive that only had to stay high enough which it did. If Hamilton does his job today it would have been a blow out.
  5. I was at the game yesterday and it was brutal. I have been a season ticket holder for the Angels for over 15 years and I've never once heard our stadium cheer or boo anything as loud as they were booing him. The only time I've ever heard our stadium that loud was 2002 when thunder sticks were introduced. There bitterness towards Hamilton would be like our bitterness towards Lackey and Texeria combined, on steroids, times ten. They might not be a baseball town, but they were loud as **** when he was up. What's hilarious was when Ianetta hit the homer, I've never heard a stadium that quiet. Same goes with Trouts RBI double. It was quieter than a moment of silence, it was unreal. It was so quiet I actually second guessed myself for seeing what I saw. I don't know how many games I've been to in my life but that was a first.
  6. Yea probably not. While I do think your team was pretty darn good last year, they hit a wall. He may not have been your teams MVP (Beltre) he was quite productive for you. I'm guessing without him you were a third place team. You may finish higher than third this year and if so it's because of the maturity of your starting pitching and not the fact that you don't have Josh.
  7. Starving that was an ugly post. It wreaks of "what have you done for me lately". Read what you wrote man, just pathetic. If you are the average fan or a die hard fan then I don't blame him for leaving one bit. Yea his 43 home runs sucked last year, poor Rangers. I'm sure it's all his fault your team blew ass the last week of the season. Where would they have been if he wasn't a HUGE part of building that lead?
  8. I'm looking forward to my brother (splint) posting in this thread. Being a fan was just an expectation growing up, I don't think we've ever had this conversation before. Our older brother, may he rest in peace, was a Dodger fan and was buried in a Dodger Jersey I bought him for Christmas earlier that year. I can't really put my finger on it but my guess is I was closer to Doug (splint) so I became an Angel fan. I'm sure it helped that we grew up in Anaheim.
  9. I wonder what kind of team mate he was? Any chance the hostility boils over to the game and he gets drilled? Did he team mates like him, are they pissed he didn't re-sign? Or is it more fan induced like how we feel about Lackey or Texeria?
  10. Yea I thought about that but I wouldn't wear a Rangers Jersey, even if it was just to piss them off.
  11. I am now mad I didn't buy a Hamilton Angel Jersey to wear to the game today.
  12. Been a fan as long as I can remember, which is the late '70's. been a fanatic since 1986 or so. I grew up in a house where my brothers and dad loved baseball so it's difficult to say when I really became a fan. I've been going to 20 plus games a year since '95. My kids who are 19 and 14 have never missed a home opening day. Hell, I'm typing this from a hotel in Dallas and our main reason for being here is to catch a couple of games. Would I be interested in reliving 2002, yes absolutely! I am sure quite a few things have slipped my mind from that season. My only suggestion would be to start around game 21, because everyone and their brother knows how the first 20 games went. Just my thoughts....
  13. Kurt, I'll be in section 331 tomorrow and section 13 on Saturday.
  14. I'll be there tomorrow and Saturday, I can't wait. Just had some Texas BBQ it was delicious.
  15. I wouldn't have bunted in that situation, I would have sent Trout, but I understand why.
  16. Yea, I am pissed that Sciocia instructed our $250 million player to make an error on a hard hit ball to him. That right there is bad managing. I guess he could have walked Votto, I wouldn't have minded that, but Albert needs to make that play.
  17. A guy I worked with took the carpool lane everyday by himself. His father was a cop and told him that if he ever gets pulled over simply ask the cop what hours is it a carpool lane. If he still got the ticket fight it in court using the same question. Apparently all carpool lanes in Ca are suppose to have postings of times. I never tested it or researched it but sounds pretty interesting.
  18. I'd gladly pay it rather than sit in traffic especially on my way home from work. I value my off time too much to spend extra time on the freeway.
  19. Scott here. I've been a fan as long as I can remember since the late 70's. I grew up not too far from the stadium and remember my dad picking my brother and I up from the games in his Taxi.
  20. Cheers was better as was 30 Rock. I have seen some episodes of Friends and while it was entertaining it just seemed like the jokes were predictable.
  21. Brandon should come talk about his watch collection. This would be the perfect thread.
  22. As for last nights game the only decision I didn't like was not pinch running Peter for Trumbo late in the game. But that seem to work out well.
  23. Almost. If the team wins, the players did their job. If the team loses its the managers fault.
  24. Asking this board to grade Scioscia on his decisions during the game is not a great idea. Here's how it will work. Scioscia makes a decision that works, +2, Scioscia makes the same decision the next day against the same team and it doesn't work, -2000. Am I right FF?
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