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Everything posted by bruin5

  1. I always saw him as a potential 1B if he had to play a position. Long, lanky, with good reflexes. And, 1B isn’t taxing on the arm except for throwing the ball to Simmons after a groundout.....
  2. Clint Hurdle may have been the most overhyped. SI cover boy before he played a game.
  3. Love Bobby Grich but he wasn’t very good at picking up air conditioners....
  4. I would think he would be a more viable back end option in the pen rather than a starter.
  5. I’m probably weighing in late on this thread, but my concern with signing Tulo is that you have to make a 40 man roster move and I’m not sure if we have to put someone on waivers to accommodate him. His upside at this point is so limited that I’m more more worried about losing someone to accommodate signing someone who I don’t think adds much, if anything, to the roster. I would rather split 3B between Ward and Cozart, with Cozart seeing time at 2B as well.
  6. Let’s all pump the brakes on this one just a bit. Remember there are always three sides to a story, and this is just hers. Of course it’s going to portray her as a victim and her attorney will throw everything against the wall to be sure it sticks. From what I’ve heard it was the players on the Mariners who told management they didn’t want anything to do with her. They just didn’t find her credible from any standpoint. She was then asked to work with the minor leagues only and she didn’t endear herself to them either. From the stories relayed to me it sounded like she was totally clueless as to how baseball worked, both on the field and off the field. She sounds like a person who has real trouble building relationships, and baseball, like other businesses, is built on relationships. It sounds like the Lakers had the same experience. In any event, she better hope she gets something out of this because I can’t see any sports organization hiring her in the future. Of course, I blame DiPoto for hiring her and giving her a lofty position without, it seems, any due diligence.
  7. I believe that Butcher being gone was a decision Arte made. Butcher was the guy that was arguing with Dipoto on that infamous day. Butcher was lucky he got to complete the season because he should have been fired right after DiPoto quit. Scosicia’s issue was that he backed Butcher. At least that was what I was told happened....
  8. We never got resolution regarding who released his medical report, although we all know who did.......
  9. In the thread on the Orioles I mentioned Harry Dalton (former GM of the Angels who was the GM of the Orioles prior). Dalton was pretty good at building farm systems, and made one pretty good trade (Fregosi for Nolan Ryan and Leroy Stanton). With all the talk about our farm system, I found a Sports Illustrated article from 1976 that talked about the great prospects in the Angels system at that time. Combined with the eventual signings of Joe Rudi, Don Baylor, and Bobby Grich it seemed like the Angels were in the midst of a long term renaissance (signing vets to bolster the team while waiting for all the talent in the farm system to mature). I was in my teens when this article came out, but I remember being really excited about the future. I remember many of the names very vividly as being players of immense promise, especially Willie Mays Aikens (and his distinctive black bat). https://www.si.com/vault/1976/08/02/615423/the-angels-prospects-are-heavenly
  10. The Orioles were never the same after Harry Dalton left....
  11. Agree, but like many employment situations that go bad the Mariners did not do their due diligence in hiring a high level employee. Then again, they seem to have a history of that. On the other hand, the Dr. better be right and get some money from this because she won’t be getting another job soon. At the end of the day, you want to hire qualified people but you also want to be able to work with them....
  12. I missed the part about sexual harassment. I see discrimination, but not harassment. Regarding DiPoto and Servais, i don’t see why their contracts would be an issue at all here. How much can each really be making? Neither was in demand when hired, and the extension for DiPoto was probably more of gesture than a substantial raise. Colleges fire football coaches with larger buyouts than was they are probably owed....
  13. LMAO at Seattle. They get what they deserve. I’d be curious what the actual vetting process was with DiPoto and Servais. I mean, GM’s don’t normally “quit” their jobs....
  14. I would guess the rebuild started in this year’s draft when “Mr. High Floor / Low Ceiling” drafted 34 college players versus 6 high schoolers (and most of the high schoolers where drafted in the last few rounds.
  15. Exactly. There is no way Arte is getting anywhere close to the FSW deal he receives now if he moves to Portland. And, I would think the A’s, Marlins, or Rays would jump at the chance to move into the stadium and get 3M fans AND the FSW deal. I don’t see any other LA city making the move for the Angels as well. All the cities have pension funding issues, and there is no one who could produce a legitimate report that states the economic benefits would outweigh the costs of city financing of a stadium. True “moneyball”. I love the Angels, but I don’t believe cities should finance investments for billionaire owners.
  16. I love Vlad but I have a hard time associating “hitting coach” with his name. However, if he can give him one good tip that would be great but I can’t imagine him being much of a swing doctor.
  17. Where does the $5500 come from? Playing in the independent leagues? That’s one of those headlines that sounds good but totally lacks context.
  18. I thought that DiPoto’s draft strategy was to focus on pitchers, with the idea they would provide better trade currency in the long run. I don’t know that Wilson is to be blamed for that.
  19. I haven’t seen this in this post, but I was told that Guillen did go after Sosh, but Donnelly not only intervened but pinned him up against the was and was ready to beat the crap out of him. Perceval was involved as well. Donnelly was a big guy (the roids also helped). No question who the clubhouse supported in this one. Please forgive me if this was posted already.
  20. I’d rather sign a veteran utility guy than rely on Rondon. He had enough issues playing shorttop, I can’t see how effective he would be at 2nd or 3rd. If you get to the point of needing to bring a utility guy up from SLC, your bigger concern should be fielding, not hitting.
  21. It’s been alluded to here, but I still think folks undervalue the chemistry that Mike creates in the clubhouse. As opposed to other teams, you never seem to hear about chemistry issues or there being a bad clubhouse. Instead, you get a guy like Justin Upton (who didn’t have the best of reps as a teammate for whatever reason) actively recruiting Kinsler. Players just seem to develop a loyalty for Sosh. DiPoto found that out pretty quickly (but then again he’s tone deaf since he thought he had the support of some of the players, especially Pujols). The way baseball has become, advanced metrics help you with the strategic part of the game (there are still things that need to be done based on feel and situation), but anyone who’s worked for a living knows that workplace climate can make a HUGE difference in individual performance.
  22. Funny, I though this was a message board where opinions could be expressed. I’m pretty sure non of us is getting sued and DiPoto is a public figure. And, he has motive since he was probably a finalist for Ohtani and lost and his former employer got him instead. My money is on him being the one who leaked. As he showed at the end with the Angels, he lacks emotional intelligence and will do whatever he can to have himself portrayed in a positive light. DiPoto is a great example of someone who talks a good game, he’s activity without achievement. He was unable to build any type of meaningful relationships, either with MS or the players (who supported MS in the infamous “meeting”. The ENTIRE Scoscia issue is all on him. Funny how Eppler doesn’t seem to have any issues with MS or hides them very well.
  23. No, that was a normal day for Edmonds. As an example, he got a base hit and when the opposing 1B (who was knows as being personable) asked him how he was doing, his response was “great now that you guys are in town”. Again, it’s one example, but I understand he was that way with everyone. Huge ego.
  24. Jim Edmonds. He was very unpopular among players. Very inflated opinion of himself.
  25. Another way to potentially think of this is the value of retaining their first round pick. Signing a similar player could cost a first rounder, whereas you don’t lose that with Upton. I have to say, however, that I don’t know if any of their other target would cause them to lose the pick.
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