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Everything posted by DEVLBAT

  1. Good, man! Just cuckoo busy at work. Booze ain't gonna sell itself. That and I finally remembered to reset my password. Haha!
  2. I knew when they were talking about this pitcher's journey he was going to blow the Rangers' lead. Excellent.
  3. Did you know he wrote that about Angela Bowie? Golden Years and, I believe, The Prettiest Star as well.
  4. David Bowie's music and attitude got me through very hard times growing up. My mom's records--David Bowie, Man Who Sold the World, Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane, Diamond Dogs--became my records and they brought a lot of light where there was a lot of death and sadness. I never knew the man personally, but in a way, I did. David Bowie, in my opinion, proved it was okay to be off. The world lost its greatest star.
  5. Rock 'n' Roll has officially died. I've never cried over any celebrity or musician dying, but I did last night. I turned on CNN this morning and they were covering his death. The two anchors asked what their favorite songs were. I shut it off when one said, "Well, I've always loved 'Space Odyssey.'" It's "Space Oddity", you billowing bale of bovine fodder!
  6. These people are scum. Corporal punishment was designed with people like this involved.
  7. I don't understand how they can comment on the shooter's motive when it still hasn't been confirmed yet. It's also strange how he allegedly had this motive yet didn't kill or injure anyone who worked there. Truthfully, I think the man is severely mentally ill and just went out shooting people and it happened to end in a Planned Parenthood. I thought I read something about him shooting near a bank first?
  8. My biggest problem with Trump is how unbelievably un-presidential he is. I'm the furthest thing from over reactionary, but his obnoxious, racist comments scare the hell out of me. He argues like a fourth grader--I'm convinced he can only read at that grade level--and the more people confront him the more his mental defective supporters show up in droves to support him. He's like your psychotic ex girlfriend that keeps begging for your attention. Maybe the best way to get rid of him is to ignore him? I can't believe I'm going to say this, but Mitt Romney should have run again.
  9. Hand to God, that exact situation happened at my parents' house on Thanksgiving. I couldn't believe my stepfather--who is a great guy--uttered the words, "He's not a politician; he'll get things done." I just hung my head and said, "Hopefully he'll be done before it's time to vote."
  10. Ha! Did I? Well, if I don't then who will?I think I accidentally clicked it on the mobile version when I tried to hit reply.
  11. And black slaves built the White House. Never really hear much about that one do we?
  12. They weren't built by slaves. Many Egyptologists will readily admit that. The Egyptian workers--male and female--who built the pyramids truly built them out of love and devotion to their gods (I.e. their pharaohs as well). They were most likely paid in beer and bread as well. Those two things were exceptionally valuable at that time. Hawass is correct. Tourists actually found the workers' tombs by mistake (many pharaoh's tombs were found that way, oddly). They were also found practically across from the pyramids with hieroglyphics written on their sarcophagi explaining their occupations. Many were "I am a worker"..."I am a builder"...etc. The pharaohs wouldn't have allowed anyone of a lowly caste to be buried next to those sites had they not been instrumental in their construction. Moreover, why would a supposed slave want to be buried anywhere near something they were forced to build? Also, they couldn't have been built by Hebrew slaves anyway, because no Egyptian records exist--and they were meticulous about this--of any Hebrews in Egypt at the time. The only people who believe the Jews were enslaved in Egypt are people who take the Bible as 100% literal. The scribes who translated the Ancient Greek text used Egypt as a metaphor for the Jewish exodus out of ancient Arabia most likely.
  13. I haven't watched it all yet, but it seems like Cruz and Fiorina performed better than the rest of them. I like the way Fiorina handles herself. I always have and feel she could easily defeat Hillary Clinton. I think both could. I find Ben Carson intelligent, but I'm really disinterested in him almost solely on the grounds that he has the personality of a dead moth. It appears the media is trying to destroy him because he goes against the typical liberal narrative that blacks should be slaves to the Democratic Party at all costs. Rubio always looks professional and poised, but he seems very "empty suit" to me. I see John Kasich getting a VP nod. He's definitely experienced and knows what to do to get the country on track financially. He can also appeal to independent and center left voters. One thing I found interesting is that Donald Trump was practically boring. I predict he will be finished in 90 days. Rand Paul made a complete fool of him on the TPP deal and rightly so.
  14. I just want to keep the King of England out of my face.
  15. Having been in the wine business for over ten years, I can tell you that a DUI in this industry is practically the kiss of death. I might have one glass--maybe two if I'm there long enough--of wine with lunch or dinner at an account, but that's it. I'm literally paranoid of ever having a DUI. In fact, a handful of people I've worked with were fired almost immediately after getting a DUI. It completely ruined their lives--financially and personally. However, I've always found it hypocritical of many wine and spirits companies that do this to their employees. The whole point of our jobs is tasting customers on our products. You can't taste without drinking. (You're supposed to spit when tasting wine, but if someone hands me a glass of high-quality wine I'm drinking it--albeit, slowly. HA!) Also, Prohibition was a complete government failure. It lead to an increase in organized crime, a higher rate of alcohol-related deaths, and an underground of unregulated booze making (which also ended up killing people, because people didn't know what the hell they were doing). Hell, the government themselves poisoned alcohol on purpose during that time, but to no avail. I'm all for strict DUI offenses though. In fact, the second offense is pretty strict. You have to spend 10 days in jail, complete an alcohol treatment program (which are insanely expensive), and your car has to have an interlock device installed. If it were me, my first DUI would most definitely be my last. In fact, I would probably never drink again outside of my house. Sidebar: My friend told me while she was in rehab that one woman, a professed alcoholic, told the crowd in therapy: "I knew I was an alcoholic when I crashed my car through a liquor store."
  16. Pretty sure "Hollywood murders" have bigger fish to fry than Randy Quaid. Like Gilbert Gottfried.
  17. this doesn't look good for the Dodgers.
  18. It's insane. They've both pitched great.
  19. I feel like that's how they're all getting out.
  20. What are the number of strikeouts on each?
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