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the dude abides

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Posts posted by the dude abides

  1. I was raised Missouri Synod Lutheran...or as I call it, Roman Catholic lite. 


    I stopped believing in my mid teens, but there was a great book I came across in college called Reading the Bible Again for the First Time that really made me think about the Bible as literature. I hadn't thought about it in years, but I recommend it.  I'm agnostic, and find the militancy of other agnostics and atheists to be inelegant, abusive, and downright ugly. This book would be considered evil by a lot of fundamentalists, but I thought it was a good non-literal look at the Bible, which is a beautiful work of literature, IMO. 


    Not sure if I'm interested in Zealot. 


    Sounds a bit like Brian McLaren and similar "heretical" authors I read a few years back.  Good reads if you view the Bible or other religious texts either allegorically or as literature.


    Along similar lines, a fascinating read is "The Gnostic Gospels" by Elaine Pagels.

  2. My 12 year old daughter didn't really start speaking English until age 6 and she wanted to read The Fault In Our Stars so I'm reading it with her. Quite depressing. I'm also trying to read Zealot which is also quite depressing.

    What did you think of Zealot?

    I cannot stand Reza Aslan, but I've been curious about this book.

  3. I saw the story of the hikers trending the other day.  I was expecting to see that they had tagged their names in spray paint on a boulder, or took a dump in some pristine waterway.  But no, they were apparently etching their names in the black hand rail there in the picture.


    I don't quite get the "outrage" here.  Yeah, it's a douche thing to do, but does that really warrant the publicity it's received?  People are acting like they killed and then raped the corpse of a bald eagle. 


    Am I missing something?

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