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Posts posted by jsnpritchett

  1. I remember when a few guys on here wanted to trade Trumbo for Klueber. I was against that, because I didn't think Kleuber had enough of a history of success, but in hindsight it would have been a fantastic trade.



    I don't think anyone, including Klueber himself, thought he'd turn out to be this good.  :)

  2. Impressive performance from Richards on the road (sort of).


    I just had to listen to 20 minutes of the ESPN talking heads describe why Corey Kluber is 3rd in Cy voting ahead of Garrett.  


    Well, Kluber and Richards are having very similar years, so what's the problem there? 

  3. I just hope his arm doesn't fall off. I thought Scioscia took an unneccessary risk bringing him out for the eighth. I know the pen badly needs some rest, but I probably would have brought in Salas to finish the game.


    ?  He threw, what, 115 pitches?  That's no big deal.  He was never really in trouble and never had a stressful/high pitch count inning.  

  4. Cal Towey = our version of Mike Moustakas? Or more like a Brett Lawrie type of player except left handed? MM was in the Majors two years after his A+ year. On a different note if Eric Stamets can improve that hit tool it would go a long way towards replacing Aybar when his contract expires after the 2016 season (assuming he is still on the team). In the worst case scenario we could always try and find a defensive minded LHH SS to platoon....


    I'm not seeing any comparison to MM.  What are you basing that on?  Moustakas was in the majors full-time as a 22-year old.  He was drafted much higher than Towey and showed much more power in the minors.  He's pretty much stunk it up in the majors, but, yeah, not really seeing the comparison between the two.

  5. hmmm. Wonder if Towey passes Cowart on the 3B Prospect depth chart soon. 




    Ehh.  He'll be 25 at the start of next year.  His K rate is too high and he doesn't have much power in a hitter-friendly league.  If he does pass Cowart on the depth chart, I think that'll say more about what a trainwreck Cowart is than how viable a prospect Towey is.

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