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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. So you know for a fact arch that gz had an opportunity to identify himself but didn't? Taking that into account, why didn't martin identify himself instead of attacking gz?
  2. Well it's easy to say he was wrongly profiled after the fact. However during, it's not so easy. Especially for those who weren't involved and not knowing the complete details of the history of the neighborhood.
  3. Correct tdawg. Prosecution says he continued to follow him. Zimmerman claimed he was heading back to his car. So yeah....
  4. How do we know Zimmerman even had the opportunity to identify himself? According to Zimmerman, so take it for what it is worth, as he was returning to his car, Martin approached from his left rear and confronted him and punched him. If true, and no one can prove its not, kinda hard to identify yourself when you're being beaten up.
  5. I agree with this but I also ask, is it out of the ordinary that someone might find this suspicious and want to call the police? Especially is a neighborhood that has had recent crimes? Just curious, at what point did GZ overstep his bounds? Does anyone have a problem with him calling the police? Obviously getting out of the car set things in motion but there is dispute about whether he headed back to his car or if he followed Martin the entire time.
  6. Let's also remember that it was where martin was, according to gz, that made him suspicious. According to him, he was not using the sidewalk or street but going behind town homes. I'm sorry but if true, that should make anyone suspicious. So when bbmom say he was just walking on the street, well that might or might not be true.
  7. Forget the pulitzer. I'm anxiously awaiting the TV movie premiere on BET. Lou can play Zimmerman since he's already an a-hole.
  8. And one other thing Geoff, we know we can't entirely trust the media reports of what happened. Just look at how NBC edited the 911 phone call when it came to describing what race Martin was. That's why this thing is so dumb. No one really knows what happened.
  9. Ah got it. Did not mean to misinterpret what he was saying. My apologies to red. Having said that, there are still two conflicting stories then. Was GZ continuing to follow Martin or had he turned back to his car when Martin confronted him? One can argue that he eventually listened to the instructions of the dispatcher but did it too late therefore prompting Martin to confront him. Or he ignored the dispatcher and continued to follow him.
  10. I actually did read and follow up on the trial. You stated that he should have listened to police when he was told "We don't need you to do that" referring to him following Martin. Only problem with that, police did not tell him that, the dispatcher did. After being told that, his response was "Ok." After finishing the phone conversation about where he would meet the police, Zimmerman claims he was heading back to his car after seeing which direction Martin had headed and to find an address when Martin appeared and the altercation began. The prosecution claims he ignored the dispatchers instruction not to follow Martin and continued to do so. Then the altercation began. So what really happened? No one but Zimmerman and Martin knows. And you stated Zimmerman was just looking for a confrontation. Well why did he call the police in the first place? Such a bad guy like Zimmerman would have just taken care of the situation himself, right? The fact is a number of break ins and burglaries and occurred in the community and Zimmerman claims he thought it was strange that someone he didn't recognize (not someone he thought didn't belong in the neighborhood, sorry BBmom) was causally strolling in behind the town homes while it was raining and not using the sidewalk or street. He didn't seem like he was in a hurry to get out of the rain. He felt like he was acting suspicious. Those are the basic facts.
  11. I'm just hoping Spike Lee gets Zimmerman's address right when he tweets it.
  12. No one knows exactly what happened or what these two individuals were going through when this incident happened except Martin, Zimmerman, and apparently red321.
  13. No mt said cops suck. LT said that was a bad attitude meaning not all cops suck. Don't distort that.
  14. The other video you posted halofan85 was discussed on the old board and was roundly condemned. Having said that, that incident and video have nothing to with this incident.
  15. I guess we shouldn't have retired the sarcasm sign.
  16. I'm no Lackey fan after his comments about the fans but your memory is a bit distorted. Lackey wasn't bitching at Sosh after giving up 3 runs and trying to stay in the game. Lackey was cruising in that game. He got into trouble by loading the bases but had two outs . Mike came out and Lackey wanted to finish off the inning by saying "Sosh, I got this." Sosh took him out to have Darren Oliver face Tex. Oliver had been cruising in the playoffs so wasn't a dumb move. First pitch Tex saw, three run double and the beginning of a 6 run 7th until the Angels tied it up and got the lead in the next inning. Eventually won game 5. It actually was a really great game Lackey pitched.
  17. Gods and Generals imo was awful. Didn't realy follow the book at all and killed any chance they had of making the third and final movie.
  18. John S Mosby created a story that said after the war there was an encounter between Lee and Pickett. Mosby said that Pickett was very cold towards Lee and when asked later why, Pickett's response was "That old man had my division destroyed at Gettysburg." Mosby then replied "Well it made you immortal." None of this conversation actually took place. When asked why Pickett's charge failed, Pickett responded that "The Yankees probably had something to do with it."
  19. I do agree with mt though. It's black and white when it comes to conception and when life starts. But the argument has been going on for awhile and will probably continue to.
  20. I just brought up the heartbeat because it's pointless to bring up if life starts at conception. Women aren't aware they are pregnant at that point. By the time they do, the pregnancy has progressed to the point where a life has started. I just use the heartbeat as an example of that.
  21. Very cool. Yeah they've been trying to restore the battlefield to it's original 1863 look to the best of their ability. If it's been awhile definitely go back and see how much it's changed. Hit up some of the battlefields in Virgina if you can.
  22. You can debate if life starts at conception. The tricky part is most women don't know they are pregnant till several weeks after conception. By then life has progressed developed relatively fast. I'll have to look up when the heart starts beating.
  23. I went last October because I wanted to avoid the crowds and it would be cheaper. Wish I would have just gone now. Been following it on facebook. About two hours ago they had thousands of people walk the fields of Pickett's charge up at precisely the same time cooperates did it 150 years ago. Have you ever been Tank? If not, go. A place you instantly fall in love with. Take stick with you. I know some good bed and breakfasts.
  24. Scott, would you have us send in troops to Syria? Yes or no?
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