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Everything posted by Butcher'd

  1. Huh? Why in the world would we dump Smith? He's been pitching better than his career numbers and his career number suggest he's a great 7th/8th inning guy. Any team in the league would take Joe Smith. We need more Joe Smith's, not less.
  2. Am I the only one who just doesn't like Pujols? And I'm not talking about Pujols the player...
  3. Jepsen's not getting DFA'd anytime soon (thankfully). Not with guys like Salas and Frieri pitching like shit. We definitely have bigger problems in our pen right now. Him, Smith, and Morin are the 3 arms I trust the most right now. I never would have thought that I would say that.
  4. Frieri Pujols Ibanez These guys are serious problems. They need to play better if we're going to make the playoffs (Pujols' garbage time home runs mean nothing to me)
  5. Some will go to Orem....some will go to the Arizona fall league...the more advanced guys will go to single A...some will be moved to the bullpen by next year (or down the road)...some will (unfortunately) get injured (TJS). It'll all sort itself out and the cream will eventually rise to the top
  6. Iannetta is very underrated offensively. His ability to get on base is something I value very much. Wish he'd see more PA's as DH
  7. Love Weaver. Any other pitcher on the team would have let that miscue get in their head and let it lead to a big inning.
  8. We all would be. It's sad. Best we can hope is after year 6 or 7 he decides enough is enough. Not happening before year 5 IMO
  9. I'm going to give him a pass for pitching poorly tonight. At least there is something to be excited about with him.
  10. Pujols Ibanez Starting pitching depth Reasons we'll be very lucky if we sneak in with the 2nd wild card. Pujols is simply atrocious...there's no defending the guy
  11. Team is not better than this. Not when Skaggs (who I like) is our 4th starter. If Dipoto can't build up starting pitching depth for 2015 and 2016 seasons it's time to start looking for a new GM.
  12. They can move him to DH. But Scioscia just has to get Ibanez' bat in the lineup. Seriously though, Iannetta at DH is our best option right now
  13. Be prepared for another top 15 pick in the draft next year. This team doesn't have the starting pitching depth to contend over the course of 162 games. Skaggs is not ready to be a 4 starter on a playoff team
  14. Team doesn't look good...rough days ahead if we can't beat the Astros and Mariners
  15. According to Heyman, you got your wish. Jackson to SEA
  16. Freese has been doing decently lately. Only offensive players really pissing me off are Pujols and Ibanez. The rest all look solid up there
  17. Could have signed Tim Hudson to be our 4th starter in the offseason: 1.75 ERA, .87 WHIP
  18. I thought the Angels were insane for bringing back Scioscia for this year. This should definitely be his last year as manager if we don't make the wild card game. Dipoto gets another year or 2 only because the Trumbo trade is promising and he's hired solid scouts.
  19. I'm sure the Angels know all of this. It came down to Kohn vs. Jepsen...and Kohn can't throw a strike. Jepsen has good peripherals this year...Kohn doesn't. Kohn is much more prone to blowing up than Jepsen is because of his inability to throw a strike. So Jepsen walks less, strikes out more, and allows far fewer baserunners so far this year. This was the right decision. Can't believe I just defended Kevin Jepsen...but he hasn't been a problem this year. Last year he was awful
  20. lol. Scisocia never fails to piss us off. We all need to face the fact that Ibanez is going to continue to play. He's not playing because he's "the only lefty bat" or whatever other excuses some people were trying to come up with. He's playing for one reason only: He's a veteran. That's enough for Scioscia to keep rolling him out there against RHP's
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