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Everything posted by Butcher'd

  1. He's still putting up fantastic numbers in a hitters park. Contract is a little scary, but he'd immediately make our pitching staff one of the best in baseball (Hamels, Weaver, CJ, Richards). If the Phillies try to rebuild and want to dump his contract, would you be willing to take it on?
  2. Not a good matchup for KKKKKKendrick He walked though! Great job Howie
  3. Why are you congratulating me on that asshole costing my team a possible win? What the hell do you care if I call it like I see it? I'll step out now...carry on in the message board police role
  4. Pujols blunder costs us...what a surprise.
  5. Oh really? I was out at dinner so I missed a few innings and came back to see Pujols possibly costing us the game with moronic baserunning. TY for your concern though.
  6. Just pointing out that I'd rather be up 2-0 than 1-0. That's common sense for most of us though...
  7. I just came here to say **** Pujols. This place is going to melt down if we lose by a run. And it should. I've accepted that he's no longer good, but can he at least not be a total retard out there?
  8. STFD Lowrie...that's a strike all day long
  9. He already explained his OPINION, man. Why is it so hard for you to disagree and move on? That's what numerous other posters in this thread did. I personally think he's a little hard on Cowgill, but he's right that CC is likely a 4th OF moving forward. I do think he can be a very valuable 4 OF for this team and I like getting his glove in the game
  10. Cowgill has been great this year. He has potential to be an excellent platoon outfielder because of his defense. I wouldn't read too far into this.
  11. Yeah, let's play the worst player in baseball against our division rival and team we are chasing. Genius move Sosh I so hope Ibanez makes me look bad...but it probably won't happen
  12. Aybar is a great all around SS. Great defensive player, solid offense. Good for 4 WAR in a solid season. Great re-signing by Dipo
  13. This one's over. No one on our team looks like they have any chance of hitting Sale. Wouldn't be surprised if he flirts with a no-no tonight
  14. Again, it's both of their faults. If Ibanez keeps getting everyday ABs against RHPs, that's still part on Scioscia.
  15. The favoritism of veterans never seizes to amaze me
  16. Green to Salt Lake. This organization is messed up
  17. He'll be fine financially. He's getting 9 million this year and then can sign a multi-year deal if he produces decently for 80 games or so
  18. Uh, maybe because it's hurting the team having weak hitters hitting in key spots in the batting order? Your argument doesn't make much sense.
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