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Everything posted by floplag

  1. while i think it being a crime is ludicrous, there is a time and place for religious dicussions... places that are not religious in nature or have nothing to do with personal beliefs, are not it. The military is an example of not it, but a court matialable offeense is just downright silly.
  2. The idiocy is thinking either party is any different from the other
  3. ive been looking at gettoing out of this state for many reasons... this type of silliness among them
  4. see, this is the part i find troubling... you cannot make exceptions, we either follow our own laws and apply them equally to all, or we stop pretending we are a nation based on self eviodent triutchs.
  5. I do not always agree with MT on these forums, but when i do i do so emphatically. We cannot and must not continue the path we are going down giving away everything we supposedly stand for in the name of "security".. who they are or what they have done are irrelvant to the ideals we claim to hold dear, they must be followed no matter what the crime.
  6. Buying or selling a gun is not illegal in this country, are ok with the government telling one family member they cannot do something legal within the family? do you not see this a something that can be a so-called slippery slope? as far as the background checks i think the issue is twofold: #1 How far they are expanded, what is the goal, what part of the current process doesnt work or needs expanding? or is the real intent to further limit who can own one? #2 The issue of the bans that were added to the bill that were largely responsible for its defeat moreso than the background checks in my opinion, but the media has glommed onto the background check issue rather than the rider. Frankly i think its all nothing more than political election capital that serves no purpose other than garnering votes or creating sound bites in upcoming Novembers.
  7. Obama has said he would defeat it, which i of course applaud, but at some point if they keep hammering this up there its going to slip by. All its going to take is for some cyber terrorist to actually do something for the people to get the panties in a twist and boom, there we go, partiot act all over again. franly im rather shoked it hasnt happend yet, the cyber attack that is... knock on wood.
  8. How about a compelling argument FOR them? I am still waiting for even one logical argument that gun control would actually accomplish in any form, but i digress. Seriously, what does it mean, how far does it go...how far does it get expanded? gun shows and internet ok, that makes some sense and should be regulated as any other source of purchasing weapons, thats logical.. but limiting sales within a family is a bit dangerous a precedent to me that i for one wasnt comfy with Not to mention that part of this had nothing to do with background checks at all but included more bans in the process, which is likely why it was voted down, but the media of course doesnt mention that part.
  9. http://www.zdnet.com/cispa-passes-u-s-house-death-of-the-fourth-amendment-7000014205/ This is pathetic, more random witchhunts, invasion of privacy, and looking for something for nothing more than the sake of looking for something... because knowing who is surfing porn or posting on facebook at work is sooooo critical to national security.
  10. the will of the people implies a sense of universal agreement, clearly this is not the case.. will of the majority is not the same thing
  11. no, they have long term "the letter next to the name matters more than the name itself" issues.
  12. as mentioned by others i think we have to ask ourselves exactly what gun control may actually accomplish? will it stop crime? no. most criminals dont exactly use their own guns will it stop the violence? of course not, just changes it to something else. will it make people safer? no, if anything it could be the opposite as criminals could become more arrgoant knowing they have the edge what exactly does any law affect? those who folow the law.. and none of what i mention above has anything to do with that so.... at the hend of the day what would any of these laws actually do?
  13. I have never been one to bag the manager, hes not the one throwing the pitches, or swinging and missing... but after listening to a piece on mlb network radio yesterday i have to wonder if Scoscia's voice is being lost right now. The point of the discussion is that sometimes, even when the manager is good, a change i needed. They used the issue of Francona leaving Boston as part of it.. and it got me thinking. In recent years we have had far too much talent to under perform as we have, there seems no sense of urgency, no caring about whether we win or lose, and a general lack of either intestinal fortitude or genitals in the way the team plays. At some point, you have to look at the voice at the top. We have now changed GMs, Owners, virtually everything in the last decade since the WS win, except the manager I think either Scoscia has to change how he is delivering his message, or it may be time to change the man delivering the message. Yes, part of this is frustration at watching this team play so poorly and inconsistantly so often in the last few years, almost embarrasingly so, and listining to the endless string of cliches and redundant sound bites, but the bottom line and recurring themse expecially in the last few years has been under perfomance. When everything else has been changed, you have to look at what remains as the most likely cause.
  14. Thats what all the pro gun control people tell us, its supposed to stop crime and prevent these things from happening.... of course its complete bullshit but it suits their agendas so.... yeah
  15. but but but, gun control is supposed to stop the maniacs i thought, isnt that what we are told?
  16. yeah i mean a bad april never lost a season since... well last year
  17. How exactly do you kill an ideal? There can be no victory that clear cut, it does not exist.
  18. i do not condone this, but is it really any big shock? people can live better off the government than they can with so called minimum wage or entry level jobs we have created an economy that wants multiple skillsets for minimal wages because people are deperate enough to take jobs that pay half what they should pay all while the same companies bitch about a skills gap that doesnt exist so they can bring in more underpayed foreign workers.
  19. You cannot seperate the word marriage from the equation, creating some seperate word to appease the religious is basically going back to the days of seperate but equal and seperate water fountains etc... i do agree completely that this isnt a government issue, it also isnt a religious one as the right wants it to be... its s imple matter of equality, period. besides, ill listen to the church talk about morality when they stop molesting children and covering it up
  20. i did not say this, please do not make assumptions about people you do not know. the point is that any law that affects a larger group should not be based on the personal views of any one portion of the group. we can all agree that muder is wrong, we do not all agree which god to worship, pretty simple right?
  21. of course, but it isnt typically due to religion. any law will go against some peoples views, its the basis of the law that comes into question.
  22. i find this intriguing.. where exactly is this money going? it isnt the classroom, it isnt teacher salaries... this may be the best graphs of a corrupt system ever put forth.
  23. id also like to point out once again that using religion, or any other personal viewpoint as the basis for making laws that govern people that do not share your religion or viewpoint is precisely the kind of thing this country was supposed to be against. Religion is not a shared basis in virtually any community in this country, nor should it be. base laws on those things that affect us all, common sense, civility, anything, and i mean literally anything, but religion. There is no difference at all between using Christian "views" to force gays into the closet as there is using muslim views to rape 12 year old girls or murder infidels. Think about that next time you wanna use your personal views to tell someone else how to live based on your personal views. the hypocrisy of the religion blows my mind. those who sin in the name of god are the worst sinners of them all.
  24. ...more pressing, of course, but more likely to help win elections, no. Which is of course the only thing any politicians actually gives a rats arse about.
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