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Everything posted by FireThemAll

  1. Great work Scioscia. Now a single and this game is out of hand. Why give them a free baserunner?
  2. I don't agree with walking Kipnis to get to Santana. Santana is very good.
  3. Hopefully no teams interested in trading for him are watching this game.
  4. Strasburg is much better than Weaver at this point.
  5. So glad he's back. Now 0-14 since coming off the DL. He'll be back to .220 before you know it....
  6. OBP still only at .305. Great to see the good power numbers, and he has certainly had a far better year than Cowart and Cron, but I still see him as more of a 4th OF long term. Nothing wrong with a 4th OF who plays good defense, has solid speed, and has pop. Should be a nice piece for our bench in a year or two.
  7. Mathis sucks. There is no way around that. He will never be anything. He's decent defensively, but is legitimately one of the worst hitters in the history of the game.
  8. Dodgers Stadium itself sucks. The surroundings of Dodgers stadium is quite nice actually.
  9. The biggest problem with the Big A isn't the actual stadium - it's what's around it. It's got an incredibly boring surrounding. Nothing but a huge parking lot and freeways. Dodger Stadium, for example, has a very scenic surrounding of lush mountains (Chavez Ravine). Most ballparks have are built in the middle of a walking town, like for example AT&T park. Angels Stadium kinda sucks in that regard - the actual stadium experience isn't bad.
  10. We desperately need Bedrosian, Morin, and Alvarez to pan out as good relievers at the major league level.
  11. Also, Bumgarner and Iwakuma are better than Weaver. Possibly Gio Gonzalez too.
  12. You aren't getting a Taijuan Walker caliber pitcher. Maybe a Martinez if you're lucky. The M's aren't dealing Walker. They're looking forward to having a rotation of King Felix, Walker, Iwakuma, Hultzen, Paxton...impressive. We're going to finish 4th again next year if we don't make serious upgrades this offseason.
  13. LOL OK don't believe me. You're clearly tryng to start something here...
  14. Dipoto could have signed Liriano to a 1 year 2 million dollar deal with a 8 million dollar club option, and even if Liriano sucked, we could just cut him loose. But no, we're stuck paying Blanton big bucks next year.
  15. It's not my job to be evaluating talent, but if you held a gun to my head before the season started and said I have to choose one of Blanton or Liriano, I would have absolutely chosen LIriano. The point is, Dipoto misses the boat far too often. Go ahead and use the "hindsight is 20/20" argument, but good GM's moves usually look good in hindsight...I haven't seen a move that looks good in hindsight as the Angels GM yet...been waiting patiently, now it's starting to piss me off that we have a GM who can't get anything right.
  16. Hell, I predicted this team would finish .500 before the season started on twitter, and got told I was nuts by most Angels fans. There were a lot of optimists before the season
  17. Liriano: 2.53 ERA, 1.18 WHIP, 126 strikeouts in 121 innings Blanton: 6.03 ERA, 1.59 WHIP, 104 strikeouts in 128.1 innings Liriano signed for 1 year/1 million with an 8 million dollar TEAM option for 2014. Blanton signed for 2 year/15 million with a 2015 team option for 8 million or a 1 million dollar buyout. Wow. Granted, Liriano would not be this good with the Angels because Butcher, but still. Inept decision making by this organization.
  18. All I'm saying is that he hasn't followed up his 2011 season yet. He's had one good year. Plenty of players have one good year then get figured out. Not trying to pick a fight. Just my opinion that Bourjos isn't a very good MLB hitter
  19. Because that's a full season? What are you arguing?
  20. Sample size. He's been injured the whole year. He needs to do it for 500+ at bats before I buy into that.
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