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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Those kind of kids don’t go to school and it says he’s from Milwaukee and Hispanic so not quite Malibu
  2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/wisconsin-mall-mass-shooting-leaves-8-injured-15-year-old-arrested/ar-BB1bhbaa?ocid=uxbndlbing Kind of sounds gang related
  3. He didn’t give that shit time to dry
  4. Not his face, his hair was melting
  5. Cancer is probably more disgusting
  6. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/juliareinstein/us-compulsory-voting-mandatory lol! Is this really a thing? I can’t wait to see them dragging @Adamoff kicking and screaming
  7. Tank, now I’m curious if you fully understand what a donkey punch is? Generally speaking, the strike in the donkey punch isn’t delivered to the gut or abdomen.
  8. The folks running this state are completely incompetent
  9. I played the crap out of the first 3 Borderlands games but I don't know why I haven't played this one
  10. I think most people’s opinions are so strong about things these days that objectivity isn’t something we should expect. Everyone here is guilty of that. Yes it’s rather simple to just say you disagree with something because it’s “socialist” or “fascist” because these buzzwords do not have the same meanings that they once did.
  11. MT asked why an idea was bad. They both answered why they thought it was bad. Sure, that issue is much more complicated than what any of us could post in a forum setting
  12. My guess is most of their stuff is censored on social media
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