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Everything posted by Don

  1. I just enjoy drinking with sketchy people.
  2. I’ve had a gun pulled on me before. I was defiant, because I was young and stupid, and it all worked out ok actually by blind luck. I’ve been in situations where shots were fired very close to me at least four times that I can think of. Once I saw three people roughly 4-6 feet in front of me get shot. It’s not fear that hits in those moments (at least in my case), it’s confusion that is the overall emotion. You just go in some direction. The fear hits later.
  3. https://www.theonion.com/protestors-criticized-for-looting-businesses-without-fo-1843735351
  4. He was opening for Rage Against the Machine. That’s the only reason I was there. Had a band full of older dudes behind him and like a full choir at one point if I remember right. The show started with those dudes playing the Rocky theme and him on top of this giant box with his back to the crowd. Dude did a freaking back flip off the box and the first song started right when his feet hit the ground.
  5. Saw this dude perform in Chicago in 08. Legit one of the best performances I’ve ever seen.
  6. One of the things I bring up when trying to explain white privilege is a stop I had in Oklahoma when I was moving from CA back to the Midwest. I was coming into some small town in OK where the speed limit dropped from 60 to 40 real quick. Dude pulled me over for 44 in a 40. I pull over, kill the engine, and throw on the flashers. He saw the CA plates and the absolutely loaded to the brim car, and he asked me some questions about where I was going. I explained I was moving to Omaha, but was gonna stop in Wichita for a few days to see some friends. Dude says he just wants to run my license for warrants real quick. It was a really cold day and he invited me to sit in his cruiser while he ran my license. Not in the back, but in the front passenger seat. Never even asked me the drugs or weapons question. My license came back clean, he let me off with a warning, and I went on my way. I just don’t think a lot of black people in that situation (loaded up car, out of state plates) would have received the same treatment as I did.
  7. It’s good mainly because it goes episode by episode. That makes it easy to follow. I’ve started re-watching with the podcast. I think the main draw for me is listening to it as a mid-30s white dude listening to similarly aged black people that grew up knowing a lot of people like the characters in the show (not my inference, they talk about real-life similarities all the time). Completely changes my perspective from the early-20s white dude that knew like a handful of black people when I originally watched it.
  8. To me season 8 was just freaking lazy. Season 7 may not have been the best, but it still didn’t hit “screw it, let’s just wrap this up” mode like season 8.
  9. I’ll take it. Was like 20 at the time. Calling me smart at that age is very generous.
  10. I got turned on to The Wire after season three. Caught up on all of it and actually watched seasons four and five as they came out. Got one of my roommates at the time into it too. We had a ton of review/prediction talks during those last two seasons, and that made it way more fun. I’m still very proud of my predictions regarding Slim Charles.
  11. The way the first seven seasons went versus the eighth, I almost consider it a different show. They did the first seven so well, then completely bungled the eighth season so much that it kinda screwed up the whole series. It deserves the scorn it gets.
  12. I’ve been listening to the Way Down in the Hole podcast from The Ringer lately. Good episode by episode deep dives into The Wire, which I still contend is the single best show ever made.
  13. One of my go to meals is Tilapia and fresh spinach sprinkled with olive oil and Tapatio. Just wrap the whole thing up in foil, throw it in the oven for 12 minutes at 400 and you’re good.
  14. Congrats to your daughter. Vet school is no joke. Be proud man.
  15. A) There were two cousins and one friend, you incestuous fantasizer you. B) I’m sure it was a generally sexually frustrated time for all of us.
  16. And if he had stolen something? Does that deputize two private citizens to chase him down and shoot him? If you see a guy steal a case of beer from 7-11 while you’re in the parking lot is it ok to kill that person? BTW, I’m referring to the hypothetical “you”. I know your post wasn’t in support of that dude’s murder. I just hate the constant narrative after these things come out of “well, I heard he wasn’t a good dude, so NBD.” Just freaking imagine how different the story would be if the race roles were reversed. White dude goes jogging in black neighborhood. Decides to look into ongoing construction project (something I’ve done a million freaking times). Local black guys just hanging out nearby decide to get their guns and chase him down to ask a few questions. White dude tries to run away. Local black dudes corner him and get out of the car to “talk” with guns at the ready. Scared white dude tries to defend himself and gets shot in the process and dies. No freaking way the local black dudes involved are sleeping in their own beds that night.
  17. I follow you. It’s just that one action doesn’t in any way justify the other.
  18. Tallgrass Brewing was this awesome brewery out of Manhattan, KS, that did some really cool stuff for about ten years. Eventually they opened a restaurant, way over-expanded, and screwed themselves over from a business standpoint, despite having good products that sold well. So all their beer went away. Couldn't buy it anywhere as of about two years ago. Then I go to the liquor store the other night, and on one of the shelves sits a sixer of Tallgrass Buffalo Sweat stout. I was like WTF? How? So I ask the guy at the register and it seems as though the guys that ran the brewery recently agreed to sell all of their recipes and copyrights to a brewery in Wichita. Great for me. Not sure it's so great for the guys that first started that brewery though.
  19. Was hoping to catch it in time. And I did. I have enough self worth to get through the day now. Thanks. I know it was your plan all along.
  20. This actually reminds me of a story from when I was a teenager. I had just gotten this new bong, and we were having a barbecue at my house. A couple of my cousins, a friend, and I decide we're gonna go smoke. The bong is in my trunk. We head out to a new housing tract being built, figuring there won't be anybody working there on a weekend, and thus we can take the bong out/smoke without any eyes on us. We get there, pull into a driveway, smoke out, then empty the bong and put it back in the trunk. As the trunk is being closed an armed security guy (not police) pulls up. Probably 50-ish dude. He asks us to open up the trunk, we say no. Obviously he thinks we've stolen something. We tell him we never even went in the (under construction still) house. He threatens to call the cops, we basically tell him to fuck off. We all get in the car, and the dude pulls his freaking gun out. Like he's gonna force us to wait there for the cops. I called his bluff and just drove right past him. Scared of course, but also dumb teenager enough to think that was the right idea. Glad that dude didn't shoot us.
  21. It's the follow and confront part where everything goes wrong, regardless of past behavior or current behavior by the guy at the construction site. Really, anything other than actively stealing something from these people's property or being an imminent violent threat should not lead to any sort of pursuit. Call it in, maybe take a picture, and go about your day. Don't be a hero and mind your own business.
  22. Seems super super speculative. But there would be some crazy irony if the only really bad disease that came out of the Americas during the age of exploration ended up infecting the person that supremely screws up American society hundreds of years later.
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