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Everything posted by thebloob

  1. If you have two once in a generation players on your roster at the same time, are they still once in a generation?
  2. How can they send Ohtani to surgery now for a congenital condition they say he could have continued to play with but with Trout they do a non curative procedure and report he may need surgery in the off season. If, for Ohtani, they say they to have a cushion to have him ready for spring, why not the same treatment for Trout? If he needs surgery, get it done so he is ready?
  3. How can you say that, you get to watch an all time great play in Poojols.
  4. With Ohtani out will Trout see more time at DH to help him recover? If so, do DHs just have no defensive WAR or is it actually a negative?
  5. The problem with WAR is that is an individual stat in a team game. If a player goes 4-4 with 2 HR in a game and their team loses 10-8, it looks great on the stat sheet and for WAR calculation but how valuable was that really? The team still would have lost if he had gone 0-4. If a guy goes 1-5 but gets a single in the ninth with runners at 2nd and 3rd for the win it may not seem like that valuable a stat line, but that seems like a more valuable game. However stuff like that is not reflected in WAR because it just looks at the individual stats. Otherwise it goes to one of my first points. Why even have a vote? Just give it to the guy with the highest WAR. It is discussions like this that make the vote interesting. No one can argue that overall Trout has been the most consistent great player in the game, doesn't necessarily mean he is the MVP every year. The lack of a definition of valuable makes it more fun.
  6. The Angels are 6-7 when Trout does not play. (.461) They are 61-73 when he does play. (.455)
  7. We certainly don't need Trout when we have the great Albert Pujols to anchor the line up. Anchor.... see what I did there?
  8. So if everything this year were reversed..... The Angels were in first place by a ton, the Astros were out of it. Bregman had Trouts stats and Trout had Bregmans stats. You guys would seriously be sitting here saying that Bregman deserved the MVP just because his stats were better on a crappy team. Hell no!! You would all be saying that "winning matters" and "WAR is a useless stat" just to try to justify Trouts case.
  9. Is that your selfie from visiting Washington?
  10. Then why bother having a vote? Why not just give out the MVWAR trophy every year? I think the points made are valid. Particularly the fact that the Astros have had injuries all around the infield and Bregman filled so many holes. Is that not valuable? It sure doesn't show up in the statistics. Difficult to have a non biased argument on Angels fan website. Someone go to an Orioles website and pose the question, report back the opinions? Oh, and want to get real depressed? Go to any thread about Albert Pujols right now and realize in 8-10 years (hopefully that long) you can put Trouts name in all those threads.
  11. Sorry I wasn’t aware you are on the team. Is that you Albert?
  12. Makes you realize how unfair some of the rules are. Leave the game with runners on 1st and 2nd with 2 outs. The reliever behind you gives two walks and a wild pitch. You get two earned runs, they get none. Also so wondering if anyone knows why sacrifice fly’s don’t count as an at bat. I understand sacrifice bunts but with sac flies guys are trying to get a hit. To that end if you score a runner from third with a ground ball, why is that not a sacrifice grounder?
  13. Zdeno chara from the bruins would probably like to punch every baseball player who takes time off for injuries. “Come play hockey with a broken face you wusses......”
  14. What I’m saying is that the electronic strike zone we are shown showed that pitch in the strike zone box. Therefore by that, it should have been a strike but was called a ball. Touché
  15. Except he took strike 3 that was called a ball. For all the electronic strike One guys that constantly complain about the umps hosing the angels: Pujols would be standing at first with his glove on with an electronic strike Zone.
  16. Can’t we still hope that he doesn’t come to camp at all. Isn’t that what hope is all about....
  17. You must be one of those guys that takes no blame for your own actions. It’s slways someone else’s fault.
  18. Is tonight a battle of the two absolute worst catchers in the league. If below .200 is the Mendoza line, what is below .100. Both these guys could give it a run. Maybe andrew luck will inspire Albert to retire......
  19. Never cross country but many years ago did Atlanta to Baltimore at Camden to philly to New York for both stadiums to Boston to Detroit.
  20. Nobody has laid out yet the plans for ohtani pitching pattern. If they are going to go back to the every six day, you need to find ANOTHER pitcher. If you get cole he either gets 5-6 less starts or you find a way to have some pitchers going 5 days and some (one?) going every sixth. Not sure ausmus is smart enough to figure that out.
  21. Obviously you haven’t been paying very close attention.
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