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Everything posted by Crampknees

  1. lol, I had to look that up. Could have a slightly better chance than when Pocahontas ran last time.
  2. What Bill is missing is Tiny Ron will endorse Trump and be at Mar-A-Lago kissing the ring posthaste.
  3. I just wrote in Bill Mitchell on my ballot.
  4. Remember, it doesn't work that way. I say both Trump and Biden have dementia and Biden becomes my guy and I am a libtard. If I just say Biden should not run and has dementia alone, which I have, nobody says Trump is my guy. Giraffe, tiger or whale. Which one is the whale.
  5. It doesn't work that way for the cult. You should know that. The prophet is merely speaking to them in tongues now. Biden - full blown dementia Trump - sociopath with full blown dementia we are doomed.
  6. I am thinking about dressing up as the Q Shaman when I tour the Vatican later this year.
  7. I would still need too many mulligans.
  8. Thanks but I already have golf to examine my motor function. I think I would do that test like eating Pho. Start off with a couple bites with the chopsticks, then just pick up the bowl and down it.
  9. No matter how hard I try the chopsticks end up manipulating me.
  10. Even with it rigged against him for the third time. He's amazing. Please donate now!
  11. Batman has hit a rough patch lately so donations would be appreciated
  12. You sure spend a lot of time talking about Taylor, black cock, queer men, etc. I'm just saying.
  13. At 28 just has to rebrand himself he is still fighting for their retribution.
  14. The simplicity of a MAGA. Take shit and mold it into a prophet.
  15. Original but bold. A masterpiece of the simple minded.
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