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Everything posted by Crampknees

  1. Reading through here yesterday he would bring back some sanity.
  2. If I do that he may find out I know you and you will be banned from buying more NFT's. I wouldn't do that to you. Did you get the one where he is surfing on money yet?
  3. I really can't help you with your sucking peckers crusade you are on. You are going to have to work that out on your own.
  4. If I donate to Haley will I get a certificate stating I am banned from the MAGA camp. I would pay for that.
  5. Same reason why leave it alone and hope it gets worse, so I alone can pretend I will fix it, should disqualify anyone from the presidency.
  6. Larry's sex-ed instructor getting snacks for class.
  7. You just described MAGA himself. 90% of boomers I know are all in on MAGA. You are right, it set the stage for where we are today.
  8. They don't ever tell anyone about the wind and solar they invested in and how it is used during these storms.
  9. You're welcome. Last round of steroids pumped into me, maybe I can start making more sense now. Be sure to check back.
  10. There were three I thought I would be able to pull in with that, but hey, I got two of the three. Congrats.
  11. Just imagine the TDS I would be accused of if I dropped multiple X-files of Trump not being able to complete a sentence. Sorry, I know it doesn't work that way. I'll move on. Biden will be called my guy and I am a libtard in......
  12. That would be better if it were a folding wheelchair and set it down.
  13. My golf campaign is coming to an end and I may need to endorse someone. Funny the old-timers, and I know I am old-timer, but these guys are older than me, just tougher. Day after they removed the freeze tarps from the greens these guys are out there, cart covers, bundled up, 45 out but a feels 18 with sleety drizzle. I don't miss those days. I am more of a 75 out, clear sky's, ocean breeze at the golf resort player now. Is there a casino at the Hyatt Regency, Indian Wells, meet you there.
  14. I will be running along soon though, have shit to do today. Good chat!
  15. Some people don't ever entertain this nonsense until someone else always points it out
  16. This is a wonderful picture and proof AI still can't guess the shade of spray tan on any given day. The shade he was wearing yesterday looked like burnt wallaby shit.
  17. No and I am wanting him to come up with a different nickname for her, before she endorses him and he says how wonderful she is.
  18. Shouldn't Trump just announce himself as his running mate. His last VP was a traitor, why risk that again.
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