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Everything posted by Crampknees

  1. Looks like a good article. I was able to read the first page there. I was being bias already, I first read that as Quartsize.
  2. I know it's a sad state of affairs there but I did laugh at the kid holding her nose. Then again I don't think that is where you go trick or treating so I call fake but the question is did the neighbor give the kid dog shit
  3. He's dressed up as the Jolly Green Giants penis
  4. It was nasty here today, wet and shitty out. They were still out there trying to beat the Super Bowl start. I drove by and honked.
  5. This is like the recent outrage #1,789,097,886,431 where I guess Biden called his supporters MAGA's. There are 1,774,865,003 clips of Trump calling them my MAGA's. Nothing wrong with it, he named them that.
  6. There are a couple here who like to flaunt their religious beliefs and pound their fists at you. I already have them on auto ignore when they spout that shit. They worship the guy who is the seven deadly sins all rolled up into one big orange puff ball and they inhale it. Here they come.
  7. Those two are a cluster fuck. Shows how bad our politicians are on both sides. I would have picked Desantis over Trump but no, I really wouldn't vote for either of them. I already said I don't just vote for a party no matter who. I would never vote for Marianne Williamson unless she ran against Cruz, that's a no brainer.
  8. You know what you said, you can read it. You are the horror film "Son of Lifetime." I'm sorry that happened to you. Now shoo, go clean your room.
  9. One last thing and then I will leave you alone. Your victimization has become too much to even make fun of. I have been around Chuck as much as most here and I hope nobody takes this wrong but we never talk about any of you. It is tough to not want to talk about Blarg, trust me. I am flattered though, obviously I made an impression.
  10. I clicked on that with the intent to read the article but just ended up looking at the pictures.
  11. Not sure why everything has to be an us against them but here we are. I have voted for both parties and will again if I think it will help us all. If there is ever another party I for sure will consider it. Nope, I can't stand Trump so LIBTARD. I don't believe in all these groundhog day of conspiracy theories so LIBTARD. I have explained it before but won't again, my dislike of the false prophet goes back well before he was on TV saying he would run as a Republican because their voters are stupid. Stupid to list people like this but that's Jason for you.
  12. He's got you batting leadoff. You will need to steal at least three bases with KC hitting cleanup. Didn't notice, he has himself leading off. Game over.
  13. No Don Jr and Eric did. Look at the top. The 2X4 is not even flush with the supporting boards. Doubt that noose will even hold 80 lbs. Trumps are not famous for building stuff, they just grift others to put their name on it.
  14. You go straight to the bonus round whenever you can pull up a Lebowski.
  15. Hopefully he wont need this again for whatever dimwitted bimbo he picks.
  16. I falsely claimed your were Mexican when all this time you were a Chinaman. I truly am sorry.
  17. Redondo, not sure what it is there in Arizona but good old secede from the union Texas, fuck me after the last freeze, the gas company is going to punishing us. Will FOX News report it though?
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