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Everything posted by Marsaka

  1. The voices in my head just said that it's Trumbo for McCarthy
  2. Jeff Fletcher said it would be 2 angel players for 1 Arizona pitcher.
  3. You guys trust Jerry to trade Trumbo and get good value in return?
  4. Add in the 5 million in Mike Scioscia's contract and you have 75 million worth of dead weight on this team. you just cant make that many mistakes and expect to remain competetive.
  5. Trout brings a lot more to the table than just that. Honestly, what does Howie bring? The bases empty batting championship, whoopee.
  6. So your saying his career numbers are more accurate than his recent performances? Pitchers adjust. if they see you hack at everything within 50 feet of the plate when runners are on base then they make a mental note and keep throwing garbage. And that's exactly what happened last year. Who cares about what happened 5 years ago lol. Howie has been figured out, its just that simple. Trade him now, if anyone is dumb enough to take him (which doesnt appear so) and get something in return, please.
  7. I dont hate Kendrick, Im just sick of him. How many times can a player make the same mistakes over and over again. Runners on base: breaking ball, breaking ball, breaking ball swing and miss.....0-2 count - next pitch (everyone but howie knows whats coming) - breaking ball swing and miss, 45 minutes later, same situations, same result. He seems to completely lack the ability to adjust. that's why he has a .328 avg with bases empty, .256 with men on 10 of his 13 homers were solo shots. .216 avg with men on and 2 outs. 16 rally killing dp's last year in only 122 games. 60 dp's last 3 years. at the end of the year he has good numbers, but he's not as productive as you guys think.
  8. CJ had a good year, but he drove me crazy with his 3-2 counts to every single batter, and his tendency to have 8 run innings, then proceed to shut a team for the next 5. And where was he last year when the team almost made the playoffs? Does he only pitch well when there is no pressure? There is not a lot to be positive about. I liked the old angel teams of bringing up guys from the minors and watching them progress. Your right I dont like 95% of the players on this team, i just dont. Id rather see the young guys develop and prosper and if we suck, it's still fun to watch them give 100% effort. But instead Arte keeps bringing in a bunch of overpaid babies who put very little effort out there while being paid more than all of us will make in our lifetime, and yet they still acquire the fandom of people like you when they dont deserve it. Just because they have an angel uniform on...oh please.
  9. From Aiden's column: Of all Angels position players besides Peter Bourjos, who was already flipped to the Cardinals for Freese, Kendrick is by far the most likely to be traded. Problem is, the Angels haven't been able to get the cost-controlled pitching they seek in return. The Angels have offered Kendrick to the Blue Jays, Tigers and Royals, among others, to no avail. But they'll keep trying. ------------ Keep trying Jerry, kendrick is sadly the top 8 second baseman that no one wants for some mysterious reason.
  10. I've said many positive things about Trout who is really the only one with positives last season. I'm not the cheerleader type, everyone is different. im sorry this bothers u so much.
  11. No one is interested in Howie, that's why he hasn't been traded yet. Go read Aiden Gonzalez column about him. Everyone in baseball except angels fans know he stinks.
  12. Yep, a win for Jerry and Arte only 5 years of dead weight from Hamilton instead of 7. FYI, most people thought Hamilton would only get 3/30. He wasn't worth that much and it looks like they were right.
  13. What will you regret? He lacks good situational hitting and has the baseball wits of a 2 year old. Here are his situation stats...I mean seriously .328 with bases empty and .256 with base runners on? http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/players/7746/situational/
  14. 7/153m for a year for a guy who hit a whopping .298 with 9 hr's. Wtf? I really dont get it. I guess he's a bargain compared to Hamilton.
  15. I'd take a shot at him as closer. He might be too young for the angels to consider him though.
  16. Nope, u hit the nail on the head. He botches as many dp's as he hits into, and that's saying something....
  17. Hamilton is pretty much untradeable at this point. He has trouble even making contact against lefties, and his defense is almost as bad. he literally has no value whatsoever.
  18. Yes, more than kendrick at least. I think with the right guy helping him...hopefully Baylor, trumbo can go .280, 35 hr's.
  19. I'm not sure why people have a love affair with Howie Kendrick, he's a terrible clutch player, terrible defender, and terrible baserunner. He hits well...when the bases are empty, makes key errors when the game is on the line, and runs to 2nd on a single up the middle, tries to steal 2nd when a batter has a 3-0 count and gets thrown out, and the list goes on and on. Trade him while other teams might be as blind as you guys are and get some good value in return. His value is probably at its highest. I like Trumbo, I think all he needs is a good hitting coach to teach him the strike zone and adjust better.
  20. The thread is about the angels rotation being in bad shape, more so than phil hughes. What exactly is your point? You want everyone to stop talking baseball unless the player is on the angels or something?
  21. How do you know they aren't balking at going market rates? Link.
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