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Everything posted by Marsaka

  1. Dont worry Scioscia will pull Joe Smith from the game as soon as a .176 lefty is hitting and go with Burnett, then a power hitting righty will pinch hit and hit a 3 run homer. It doesn't matter who is in the bullpen Scioscia will still find a way to lose the game.
  2. At least Jeffrey Loria can recognize when the ship is sinking and tries and rebuilds through younger guys. Our ship has been sinking for 5 years and yet we keep making big free agent signings and horrible trades that have gutted the teams future for another 5 years. All for not, we cant even come close to making the playoffs even with a 2nd wild card.
  3. The problem is when your infamous for getting raped in trades, other teams try to take advantage of that and when Dipoto ask the rockies for even a fair trade, they are going to say no. It's best to fire Dipoto and start over with a more tough negotiator who doesnt have such an embarassing reputation.
  4. I dont understand comments like these. Did Dipoto get Joe Smith to play here for free or something?
  5. Oh goodie, we needed another hitter who grounds into a lot of dp's. He will fit right in with kendrick, pujols, and hamilton. Angels might break the major league record in gidp's next year so that's something to look forward to.
  6. Knowing Dipoto it will be Howie Kendrick for Chris Carpenter.
  7. It's what he did last year as well. This trade is another in a long line of bad moves this org has made and it proves he's clearly incompetent to be a GM.
  8. I guess the Cards GM convinced Jerry that Freese was better than Bourjos and we have to give up Grichuk as well...mind blown.
  9. it seems like every GM we get is a total moron, or Arte is the one breathing behind their backs forcing them to do stupid signings/trades. My guess it's Arte.
  10. I thought this thread was about Ryan Howard. This is why I'm always afraid when the angels are involved in trade talks, they always get humiliated.
  11. What was the point? It's going to be another 3rd place finish with this pitching staff and Mike Scioscia helping the other team win with his stupid in game swaps.
  12. Too many if's in your sentence. It will never be realized. Everyone is already saying cards won this deal......EVERYONE. Why cant we be on the winning side of a trade for once?
  13. Arte was probably the one who pushed for it. I dont think Jerry is this stupid, Arte on the other hand.....
  14. hey we're here to help u guys anyway we can.
  15. They will, but I still think Arte is the problem. Telling your GM "Get this done or you're fired" leads to poor thought out trades.
  16. he probably plans to trade Trout to the phillies for cliff lee.
  17. Freese and Salas for Bourjos and Grichuk? hahahahahahaha omg 2 young OF's with great potention for 2 aging guys with little potential. Fire dipoto now!
  18. Ya Edmonds was injury prone and we traded him while his value was low. How did that work out?
  19. you guys aren't afraid every time the angels are involved with trade talks?
  20. This team isnt a cliff lee away from contending. I say maybe 4 or 5 years it will take for them to contend again assuming they have some decent drafts. They need to seriously clean house now and stop taking more big contracts from old players.
  21. So he can chip a toenail and be out for 6 months. This team needs tougher guys not these pansy ass pitchers they keep bringing in like Vargas, Hanson, and Blanton.
  22. This is why you dont trade your entire minor league pitching staff for an old Dan Haren. F U Arte
  23. This is probably what Jerry Dipoto said to himself when he signs Hawkins and Izzy. As for the .001% that you named which worked out - Oliver is an enigma, and Downs has sucked the last 2 years so your really grasping at straws with that one.
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