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ten ocho recon scout

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Everything posted by ten ocho recon scout

  1. That last part is a great point. And I've been thinking the former for awhile now. I've been hoping the future core group is one that entices him to stay. An actual realistic assumption that the team is getting better, and that he's developing close friends in that group. I still keep wondering what could have been if Adell and Marsh worked out. If the team the last 2 years was more or less similar to the current one.
  2. I think this is probably accurate, but can you elaborate? Do you think it hurts the odds because he experiences something better, or feels "disrespected" by being traded?
  3. "Letting Moreno have it", IMO, doesn't apply unless we get AO with a bullhorn, super random nicknames, and no security guards around Moreno while he's at the office. ... and on his way home, and as he stops by the Ralph's for some Ensure.
  4. So I have a theory on this (that you can probably shoot down pretty easily with facts). But someone else mentioned this to me like 2 years ago. That Angel stadium is a pitchers park. And they listed the recent years numbers. I thought about it, and thought maybe the yellow line in RF did that. But the majority of players are right handed, so not sure that's it. (But who knows) So I thought "what other changes to the stadium could have changed? They move the fences? Foul lines? What could it be?" And then my theory. Could it be that being that Angel pitching has been pretty freaking horrible for the past decade be what's showing it as a hitters park now? Not that it's easier to hit in, just that the one constant at every home game is Angel pitching?
  5. Renfroe for me has been by far one of the biggest letdowns of the year. I really expected him to be a nice little power bat, adding depth behind Trout and Rendon (which goes to show how bad its gone). Who lnows maybe he has a nice second half. And he just had a kid, maybe his home life is hectic. But ai thought we'd get a nice year out of him as he pumps himself up for FA. Him and Urshela were pretty exciting adds this past winter. Fuck.
  6. The perfect scenario is to trade him to the Dodgers for a huge return. And then he comes back here this winter. And then a video is revealed of Shohei and Arte, smoking cigars. Where dodger fans find out shohei wasn't a good guy after all. Basically the part from Total Recall when Arnold found out he was in with the bad guys all along.
  7. I could see the Grienke deal mentioned above being a good comp. We trade Shohei for a Beer. But because Ohtani is a rental, a lesser rated prospect. Or a cheaper Beer. And Arte once again gets Angel fans cheaper beer. It's my day off and I'm cracking my first of the day. If Shohei is leaving anyway, give me the cheap beer, Arte.
  8. I know we shouldn't expect much, but even from the kickoff of the year, we were without Stassi and Walsh. Again, hate to make excuses, but we've been pretty snakebit so far this year.
  9. Funny enough. I commented a few weeks ago, totally serious, that they seem to do better with him out. I'd much rather have him in the lineup. But for some weird reason they seem to do better when he's out. Numbers may tell me I'm full of shit. And to be fair he's been out for 4 years basically and we've sucked But this yesr it seems to be the case
  10. I missed it except the walkoff in game 2. Just saw the scores. But they definitely hit. Excuses excuses, but you have to wonder what a healthy teams record would be right now.
  11. What would you estimate his contract if he played one way? Same bat but didn't pitch. Same pitcher but didn't bat? Hard to say on the hitting side because he'd a DH. He could absolutely play 1B, or the corner OF spots. I wouldn't be surprised if he could play any spot.
  12. A other downer is OhOppe getting hurt... Not just how it hurts the team, but he seemed to be Ohtanis catcher to start the year. And was hitting. Couldn't have hurt if they had time to bond.
  13. So again, I haven't followed much the past few weeks (been too busy). But did he go out in the SD series too? I thought it was this past weekend?
  14. Offer him whatever massive amount with the first two years blowing him away, like 75 mill a year. Then give him an opt out after that. Still young enough to sign a massive deal somewhere else, gives him time to see of he wants to stay for real, but knows he can leave really soon, etc.
  15. Funny you mention that. I was thinking the exact same thing like 2 weeks ago.
  16. And that's kind of what I'm getting at. He's obviously th3 best player in the game. By a wide margin. That said, so much of it right now is "hype" (not in a bad way) because of what he's doing. At the exact point he can't do it anymore, the shine is off. I guess I'm just wondering what he's worth once that happens? As fans, Angel or any other team, he's in the "money's no object!" category. But I wonder if owners feel the same.
  17. He is, but pujols basically was, too. If we're being honest, so was trout... Again, I hope we pay out of our ass and keep him. And all contracts are bad. But I'm just wondering if he has to pick one or the other in a few years, if the "unicorn" appeal dies down and it's a huge overpay.
  18. Let me first say that even if it crushes the org, I hope we resign him. I don't care if we have a crystal ball that says "he'll go full Rendon in 2 years" and we still give him a gazillion dollars. That said... In terms of actual front offices, who are the ones actually spending the money, how do you think they see it? I keep seeing 500 and 600 mill. And I guess that "makes sense" But forgetting how popular he is right now, and how biased we are, how many owners are going to be willing to gamble on that kind of money? And I'm not saying there won't be. Who knows, maybe the entire league is gearing up to sell stock to sign him for a billion. But looking at all these bad mega deals out there you have to wonder. Both his age and his two-way player angles are pretty risky, if we're being honest. Again, I would be ecstatic if it's us, and we kill the franchise in doing it. But I wonder if secretly, owners and GMs don't see this unicorn era lasting as long as we're all hoping it does, and shying away from that kind of money.
  19. Still wonder what it would have been like if we had made that trade. Sigh. But then I see this, and see that he made 30 mill a year to put up those numbers. And I know what it would have been like if we got him.
  20. I'd honestly be ok with rentals, if the price isn't too steep. If Ohtani leaves, were all going to be hungover for a bit... and viewing the team as it is right now, the org itself is going to be very bad without him too. If we can aquire a shot in the arm for a decent price and at least end the Ohtani years with a bang, that's better than not doing it I think
  21. I'm not holding my breath that Moniak is legit. And that he keeps this up. But damn has he been fun to watch. Food for thought on what could have been. Adell and Marsh and Walsh were supposed to be our core. I think everyone would have been let down if say Adell merely put up Renfroes numbers. And Marsh merely put up Drury's. After his all star campaign a lot on here envisioned Walsh doing what we see Moniak doing. None of those guys are putting up all star numbers for us this year. But think how much different this team would have looked the past 3 years had things shaken out that way....
  22. Not only is that classic us (as you said, should have been his time to shine), but how many of those (oblique strains) have we had so far this year?
  23. So I've been out of it for several weeks, been dealing with a lot at home so haven't watched almost any games in a bit. What happened to Adell?
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