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Everything posted by YouthofToday

  1. Moreno is treating player acquisition as if this were an NBA team. Stars absolutely are paramount in basketball. A player like LeBron is a 30 WAR player in a 82 game schedule. Even the best players in baseball are 7-10 WAR out of a 162 game schedule.
  2. Barnes is a platoon player against LH pitching.
  3. Yeah, another gif of that ridiculous curve to Trout: @drewsilv: Dude. RT @CrashburnAlley Yu Darvish curve to Mike Trout .gif. https://t.co/Z0FhN3masS I think it's time to put Darvish in the same class as Verlander, Price, King Felix, Matt Harvey, Kershaw, Hamels, Wainwright and Strasburg.
  4. Of course ERA doesn't tell the whole story. Nobody could argue otherwise. I agree with Fontana Halo that WHIP is better. Still has issues though. K/bb is another good one.
  5. Fuentes would have groved a fastball in 1-2 or 2-2 count too. He really was not a good reliever for us. Another terrible signing by a former GM who believed in the CLOSER and save stat.
  6. Kendrick clearly lacks the intangibles and grittiness to be a winner, according to some. Let's pull a Towers and Gibson move and trade him for pennies on the dollar! Brilliant!
  7. He doesn't have the stuff to be a starter. No way should he go through an order a 3rd time.
  8. Using the logic of some here we should have traded for Michael for his magical clutchiness and grittiness with RISP. You all should join the Ruben Amaro and Kirk Gibson fan clubs and just be done with it.
  9. Some of the comments here have some terrible "logic". Kendrick is our best 2B. No way should we trade him.
  10. Why is this an issue? Why wasn't this addressed in the offseason? This has been a lingering problem for him for years, so it doesn't come out of no where. I suspect Pujols convinced management he could manage the pain without surgery like he has at the tail end of the last 5 seasons. That increasingly looks like a foolish decisions by the powers that be.
  11. Ervin struck out 7 and walked none yesterday against one of the better teams in MLB (Red Sox). He has a 2.48 ERA and 1.07 WHIP. Is he this year's Rodney? Why do some Angels pitchers break out after being liberated from our culture?
  12. Lifetime has excellent wisdom. Ill go further to state he is totally misunderstood. I don't think he's a douche. At all.
  13. Baring injury he will be mentioned in the same breath as Ruth as a truly inner circle Hall of Famer. He's that good.
  14. Wow, people really need to temper their expectations about Jimenez. Talk of trading Kendrick or Callaspo this year to open up a spot for him when everybody is healthy is a bit ridiculous IMO.
  15. Richards might be our best pitcher this year. Yes, better than Weaver.
  16. I was against the Greinke trade. I did not want Segura in the deal.
  17. My statement wasn't specific to Posey or Harvey. Posey was never a realistic option. My statement was just looking at all the evidence in the Moreno era prior to the new CBA.
  18. Arte sticking to Bud Selig's slot guidelines more than nearly any other owner was a terrible decision.
  19. Was 2002 filled with Scioscia-type players? Our team was littered with all bat bad glove players. A terrible, simple narrative lazy media folks use.
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