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Everything posted by mtangelsfan

  1. Our society has been doing that for the last three decades.
  2. For one thing insurance has taken away competition. Pretty much all doctors, labs, hospitals charge the same fees for the same things. They don't need to worry about competition. I'm not saying that is the end all, be all but I do believe it plays a part.
  3. I know we have the Obamacare thread but I believe this question deserves its own thread. Why are medical costs so high? Please don't just say "greed" because prices were affordable back in the 70's. People have not become greedier. So what is the reason why? Maybe nate could give some input (if he is lurking in this forum at all)
  4. Funny thing about the cost of medical care. Neither the dems or reps seem to want to do anything about that. The ACA did nothing and the two Rep abominations didn't either.
  5. As you know, I am pretty libertarian. I wonder why things changed so drastically in the 70's that drove prices so high. Up until then it was affordable. Kind of like college.
  6. He's delusional. He makes Charlie Sheen seem logical.
  7. Or, nobody would be willing to take the risk since the payoff would be minimal, which seems to be the case.
  8. It is easy to make that argument. Everyone is greedy and people that want to get a return on their investments are evil. As Thomas stated, there are plenty of costs medical personnel have to pay just to become medical personnel. Also, ask yourself this, why do a majority of breakthrough drugs come from the U.S.? https://www.quora.com/What-countries-have-lead-the-world-in-medical-research-and-innovation-in-the-past-20-years There is a reason for that and it isn't benevolence.
  9. Horrible. He believes we are serfs. He is the worst of all Trump picks.
  10. Adam is curing the world of cancer!
  11. I don't understand why this organization can't give Cowart a real shot. Sometimes it just seems like some guys are out of favor. and I have no idea who the 2B is going to be next season. Probably someone I have never heard of.
  12. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/answers-demanded-after-cop-shoots-woman-dead-with-body-camera-off/ar-BBEzUJ6?li=BBnb7Kz Body camera off, interesting. http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-washington-shooting-20170715-story.html armored vehicles and snipers. Overkill?
  13. I remember when the libs loved Assange
  14. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/no-need-for-full-border-wall-trump-says/ar-BBEmfSq?li=BBnbcA1 Uh oh, Trump backing off of his wall promise. (which is good, but still funny)
  15. I aim to take away from federal authority and give it back to the states where it belongs. Also, the more local the government, the better it works. One size does not fit all. Every dollar you send to DC you might get 10 cents back.
  16. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/a-death-row-convict’s-final-words-set-two-innocent-men-free/ar-BBElWWl?li=BBnb7Kz Long story and super angering. Ocho, how does this kind of thing happen? It isn't singular.
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