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Earnest Borgnine of 9

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Posts posted by Earnest Borgnine of 9

  1. Judging from the empty seats in the stadium, lots of people are taking a break.

    Here was my post from the first page, so like I said, I did already. 


    Besides, my subsequent comment was not about a personal grudge but the double standard regarding the COC, a topic raised by another poster...or we are not allowed to respond to other posts?


    Get off my back already, big time internet mod.

  2. It's going to take more than a tie game, one out , nobody on at bat to change my take on this guy.

    Sorry but- clutch hit, low stress AB does not make this guy a clutch hitter.

    Same game but a man on second or two outs and a guy on third and I bet this guy doesn't come through.

    I'm sure he's all over that making sure he wins you over. LMAO

  3. Your lame sarcasm overwhelms me... did you google "best forum sarcasm qoutes? "

    Good one, bro. You beat me. Gotta give you credit. You incorrectly used the "your and idoit" and contributed greatly to a quality discussion about the original topic. We all wish to emulate you.

    BTW, how long did it take you to use your MSPaint to create your avatar while in "The OC" my man?

  4. Not on the next right handed batter. Listen I'm OK is Scioscia micro manages and really does his Lefty/Righty match ups. But when he randomly decides to pull a righty after 1 batter because a left handed batter is coming up but then leaves that lefty to face a right handed batter and it backfires, well that on him.

    We must not be watching the same game. He brought in downs with a lefy coming up. Washington used a pinch righty hitter to counter.

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