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Earnest Borgnine of 9

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Posts posted by Earnest Borgnine of 9

  1. I'm not sure when exactly how it happened but if yo look at his game logs you see he has a large drop off after May last season.  He was on such a tear at the beginning people were forced to try and walk him.  




    I remember watching our games last season and our commentators always mentioning how he swings too much and needs to stop.  It just became more and more noticable as the year went on.  

    Good to know. I wonder if all of th scouting in MLB is as good as yours. Makes me wonder how much the market would have paid Hamilton had we not snatched him. I doubt Pujols/fielder kind of money.

  2. Ha did you not watch him down the stretch last year?  He was on absolute fire in the beginning of the year when pitchers were throwing to him.

    Problem with your logic is, at which point, while he was "on fire", did some pitcher have the clarity of thought to stop throwing strikes at him....thus promoting then windfall of pitchers in the second half who decided to do the same thing?

  3. One of the reasons we were booing him towards the end of last season.

    I have heard this before and am beginning to think Hamilton is only in iit for the money. That's fine, but don't preach god and tell me how much you care about winning. I would have thought playing with Pujols, and not having a ring yet, would motivate him. ,however it seems he's only motivated by money.

  4. He's always swung at the ball like this.  Just lolly gags at the plate rocking back and forth doing his crazy effective effortless swing.  Then one accidentally lands in the zone and he'll blast it.  It was jaw dropping watching him swing at some of the worst pitches I've ever seen over the last half of last season.  


    As everybody is pondering whether or not this dude cares; one day he is going to hit a dribbler then break something sliding head first into first base in a meaningless game.  You'll be left scratching your head.  


    I hope the Marlins are stupid enough to trade the Rangers Stanton.

    I can't even summon the words to describe how monumentally stupid that statement is. If it were true, we'd all be capable of hitting 42 home runs in one year; we aren't. That makes your statement idiotic.

    While I'm a Hamilton critic, and a critic of the signing dating back to the old AW site, you don't help the argument.

  5. Fine by me EB, unlike the other person you refered to, I don't need to create 3 pages of responses to make my point. I'm done.

    Take it easy, man. I like you. I just think you get hysterical, a bit, but I understand because, frankly, the Angels are ruining my baseball season. I totally see where you are coming from. Doesn't mean we can't disagree. Unfortunately, the hyperbole gets a bit much and it's hard to reason wit you. That's all.

  6. Actually, I left her and am with someone who appreciates my tell it like it is, but thanks for the concern.

    And where did I take a dig at Vargas?

    I'd tell you, but you already know. Then you'll come back with an explanation. You and Lifetime are impossible, so I don't waste my time engaging you anymore. There's only so many hours in a day and judging from both of your post counts, you have more time than I.

  7. I get what both of you are saying.

    I was more commenting on how weak the pen was, to where he had to essentially go as long as possible.

    Sure you were, while also taking a dig at Vargas. He did a good job. Its sad that fans are so busy at being upset at a loss and can't see the positive. You must be a cheer to be around. My condolences to your wife.

  8. There isn't a timetable for Madson to return to the team.


    "Ryan Madson, currently getting treatment in Arizona, hasn't thrown off a mound since pitching to hitters for the first time on April 19 and isn't even playing catch at the moment. "Some of the elements have been slow to develop and it's been a little frustrating," Scioscia said. "But in the big picture, he's made a lot of progress in the last three weeks. Hopefully once he gets over this hurdle, we won't be looking back."

    I said Hanson....er Hansen.

  9. Are you sure Pujols was pissed or just in excruciating pain from the plantar fasciitis? 


    He desperately needs time on the DL.

    He shows his frustration. Either Hamilton just doesn't, or he doesn't have any.

  10. Watching Pujols pissed in the dugout after an AB, while in contrast watching Hamilton laugh and joke with opposing infielders after striking out or grounding out at first...I'm just dumbfounded at the reactions. One really cares and the other acts like an ass clown. Is it possible that Ranger fans were right and he just gives up on teams?

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