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Earnest Borgnine of 9

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Posts posted by Earnest Borgnine of 9

  1. What makes the Angels so unprepared to face pitchers they have never faced before?


    Does Scioscia not have them study pitchers on video?  Do they not have a game plan against certain pitchers?  It just seems so strange to me, these guys have so much talent but are so unprepared.


    Why do they start the season so flat?  Again, Scioscia, the coaches, etc, something they are doing in spring is not working because they come out flat every season.


    Back to hitting, they are so inept with RISP.  What happened to Scioscia fundamental baseball?  Hitting the ball to the right side to advance runners, sac flies, etc.


    I think it has become apparent that Maddon and Roenicke were the brains behind the Angels.  Since they left these teams have been an embarrassment.

    Lol at Roenicke.

  2. I'm sorry Chuck, but the people running this org have run it into the ground.

    As a fan since 1966, I've seen too many teams constructed like this team, and know all too well how the next few years will pan out.

    This franchise has become a mess, plain and simple. It didn't have to though. Moreno didn't have to hire Reagins. That's where it all began to unravel! I have HAD it!

    So what do you propose Arte do? Clean house like the Marlins?

  3. What has Moreno done to warrant classy? He coat tails Disney, who did precide over the ONLY WS title in 2002. It was Disney who brought in Stoneman, a man who understood the need for a well balanced org where you didn't trade most if your key prospects and didn't ignore foreign scouting. It was Moreno who promoted J. Pierpont Finch Reagins.

    Your argument is known as the race to the bottom. If Arte isnt classy, then why should I be? You will always be able to point out poorer behavior by others, and if that is going to be your justification for your own behavior, then you'll always be able to rationalize what you do.

    Typing in all caps a profanity to the owner a couple of times in this thread just isn't classy, not to mention kids come here. Keep holding up that high standard for us all.

  4. It's not fair the Angels had to face three playoff teams in a row:


    the Reds, the Rangers and the A's


    while the Rangers faced three pushover teams:


    The Astros, the Mariners, and the Angels



    Hehe, I wasn't going to point that out.

  5. This relates to sample size. So far it's extremely small against good teams with a cold start during interleague play with a team that has had a big staff turnover. These are not excuses and I expect way more than this out of a team with this payroll. Having said that, you can turn into an Angel Oracle type and start taking blood pressure medication or realize we have played 5% of the season and anything can happen.

  6. It has been tougher on the Angels than the Rangers, thus far. I hope we gain some ground against Astros and Twins coming up. Perhaps during that time the team can begin to gel offensively and the pitching can pull its head out.

  7. Dude, really? Chuck picked up the story and moved it along so that the Angels management upstairs got the message, could read the site responses and act on it accordingly. This is called a win/win for everyone and you want to piss on it?

    How is he pissing on it? Do you really think this is the first fan this usher had done this to? It's probably happened a few times.

  8. The early argument is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. People were saying the same shit last year. Every game means just as much whether it's the first game in April or the last game in September.

    The best way to describe this team is just dead. Everyone looks like they would rather be somewhere else. 

    I dont think that's true of the pitching or anyone outside of our 1-4 hitters. When I saw Hamilton walk into the dugout after striking out in his fourth AB with a smile, it made me think the crowd got to him, though.

  9. I am frustrated also.  I actually wanted to believe that it wouldn't be possible to suck in April again.


    Sciosica is the kiss of death in April.

    Back to blaming Scioscia again? Its really his fault that our miltimillion dollar guys are not hitting?

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