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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Fun to watch those guys today. Was pulling for Wagner
  2. White people continuing to keep the black man down
  3. I also felt like he clearly answered the question. Sorry glen
  4. Vaginas for everyone!!! Hillary 2016
  5. Chances are a few qualifiers will pass and a few will withdraw due to injury
  6. Prospect park was ridden terribly by KD. Just awful. He's got 30 points. With defections I bet he gets in if he wants it
  7. He looked remarkable. Put up fast fractions and had a ton in the tank. I'll be leading with him on top in any play.
  8. The military and government are terrible statist institutions.
  9. Actually, when we bought our house just more than a year ago we put all of our money into improvements on the inside - wood floors, blinds, paint, electrical... The landscaping is next. Ultimately, I'm going to go with artificial turf. But we're probably a couple years out for that.
  10. I agree with you wholeheartedly. The Angels blew it big time. Lost a ton of respect for the front office.
  11. http://www.cbssports.com/golf/eye-on-golf/25133996/report-tiger-woods-shoots-74-in-practice-round-at-augusta not so good
  12. White Sox have a legit #1 and a very good offense in a division that is down. I think they steam roll!
  13. I believe in Madden and the Cubs' kids. The Mets are just a roll of the dice
  14. I need Cameron Tringale to go super low
  15. In a typical week it seems that an airplane crashes, some muslims kill a bunch of dudes, a crazy man shoots up a strip mall, the cops waste a few guys, some kids jump someone on camera, a wrestler kills a dude with a body slam, a bunch of babies die from cancer. I'm losing my ability to feel.
  16. This is of course very tragic. Unfortunately, the frequency with which these types of tragedies occur is numbing. :/
  17. 98 at Tustin Ranch. Awful round. Bad case of the hooks off the tee. Missed a few short putts too. Put a couple in the drink. Fun though
  18. Hamilton has looked a lot better this spring than he did to end 2014
  19. At least with Mayweather running away for 12 rounds you know it will go the distance
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