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Everything posted by InsideThePark

  1. As I was saying, the hyper-partisanship on both sides is a joke lol It looks bad but we don't know this to be true.
  2. Why wait till May to fire him over how he handled the email investigation? Even if that's the real reason, it just doesn't look good right now. Maybe you could see the other side if you weren't concerned over how Facebook Lefties took the news. The hyper-partisanship on both sides is a joke.
  3. Still defensive, I see. Must be from the thread bumps Rally laid on you this morning. I'd be embarrassed, too.
  4. ^^^This is gold but it's even better when put in context.
  5. Easy, guy... don't be so defensive lol Anyway, the fact of the matter is that there was a major shift down-ballot after the letter was sent. I don't want to relitigate the presidential race, I think we've done that more than enough times. But I think it's more than likely that the Republicans wouldn't control the Senate, and without control, they may not have been able to put another social conservative judge on the bench who won't separate his religious beliefs from his decisions on important rulings. That said, the Democrats ran a shity campaign across the board. We've been over this quite a few times.
  6. To be fair, it was looking really good for her. Several days later, a poorly worded letter to Congress changed everything. I think it's safe to say that Republicans would have lost considerably more seats in both houses, if not for that.
  7. Sounds like a reasonable explanation. Guess we'll have to wait till tomorrow to get the final verdict. Uh oh, you did it again. And now he's doing it. Guess it's contagious.
  8. What about bad grammar? @EnglishCop - what is your ruling?
  9. http://abc11.com/politics/nc-house-bill-seeks-to-make-same-sex-marriage-illegal-again/1861479/ Fags.
  10. "You look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden! Who would believe this?" That's why he got some grief, sir.
  11. Um, that's not what happened, but I'm guessing you got that spin from a conservative source. Trump was holding a rally several weeks back, and inferred that an attack took place the night before. I guess this is where we're at, though. Trump puts out complete fabrications with no evidence to support those claims, and then some on the right scramble to find anything that can muddy the waters, even if it takes weeks or months. We also saw that with the false wiretapping claims, which prompted Nunes to mishandle a separate investigation... and now they're trying to make that same connection with the Susan Rice story. I get that Trump supporters won't question the conflation of these separate issues, but I would hope the people in the middle could see through the BS.
  12. You were speaking about the lawmakers, gotcha.
  13. I think you know that if it was "just a few" this wouldn't be a bill. But I agree that they're pandering to a minority of their constituents.
  14. https://www.teaparty.org/breaking-muslims-furious-americans-just-montana-225742/ America is finally starting to fight back against the Muslim invasion, even if it is only one state at a time. Montana is spearheading legislation to keep Sharia Law from being implemented within its borders, this time FOR GOOD. Senate Bill 97, which was proposed by Sen. Keith Regier, prohibits state courts from using foreign laws, just advanced in the House with a 56-44 vote.(via Billings Gazette). It is truly astonishing how the Democrats have such little respect for our founding fathers, that they were able to muster up 44 votes to ensure the savage ideals of Sharia Law remaining an option for U.S judges to force on the American people. Obviously this won't pass but weren't we just talking about this shit the other day lol
  15. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/03/sanders-to-introduce-single-payer-health-care-plan-236516 Good news, Bernie fans... Bern will be unveiling his Single Payer Healthcare Plan to Congress this week.
  16. You're better off for not having watched it. Meanwhile, some of the images captured during today's #pizzagate rally:
  17. https://www.infowars.com/a-note-to-our-listening-viewing-and-reading-audiences-concerning-pizzagate-coverage/ Even Alex Jones is abandoning ship... says it's fake news.
  18. I'd like for you to take me seriously, but not literally. Look what's in my heart.
  19. Wouldnt expect anything less from a Trumper.
  20. Yep, and there would be other states that would go that same route. Creationism is the oldest fake news and has no place in the science classroom.
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