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Make Angels Great Again

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Everything posted by Make Angels Great Again

  1. I've learned that when we really fucking want to sign somebody, it ends up not happening. Teixeria, Cole, Beltre, Greinke, Corbin (lol), Wheeler Could this buck the trend? Lmao no.
  2. I'm gonna reach here. Don't team execs normally come to the player to get contracts signed?
  3. Have we skipped the first 3 stages of grief and gone straight to depression?
  4. Yeah, that and supreme court appointments is about the only thing. But anything that you can't work into budget reconciliation is basically dead in the water. Even with the budget stuff, Trump had guys like Jeff Flake and McCain there to deal with who refused to get on board for a lot of things.
  5. I think it's more that the Jays have finished (in their division) 3rd, 2nd, 4th, 3rd, 4th, 4th, 4th since 2017. In that time they made the wild card game 3 times, but didn't win a game in any of them.
  6. @FromJapan, if Ohtani leaves us. You leaving too might be too much for my heart to bear.
  7. I've seen other links that show that plane has frequently gone between the two locations for months now. This is nothing.
  8. Doesn’t mean much unless you have 60 seats in the senate. look up what the filibuster is
  9. Let's try again: People who subscribe to the same ideological worldview as you (or at least the character you play on here), generally speaking.
  10. People in your ideological world can't define woman, so...stones in glass houses? Wouldn't it be a good idea to make sure you understand the meaning of a word?
  11. (in case anyone is wondering the actual reason...parody is not considered a violation of copyright)
  12. I was about to ask about Johnny Giavotella but decided to google him myself, turns out he's a real estate agent too. lmao. Apparently there's something about that industry.
  13. You sound like my wife when I ask her why she's so pissed off.
  14. It's redundant. Like you said, of course the Israeli Government is Zionist because they wouldn't exist otherwise. So why include it? Because for many it has a negative connotation. It may not for everybody, but it does for many.
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