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Everything posted by cals

  1. Yeah, and he says everything I already knew. Bauer is the victim here. The only reason Lindsay Hill isn’t behind bars is Gascon. Going on Fox and having heat put on owners from the political right is probably Bauer’s best move here. I’d love for Bauer to be an Angel.
  2. We know Moreno watches Fox News, so this is looking promising.
  3. Surprised the cons didn’t jump all over that movie. If it wasn’t for her stupidity and stubbornness, Obama could have replaced her with a progressive. Instead her pride got us the nut job Shiite Catholic bitch.
  4. I thought there were 3 s’s in busses.
  5. St1ck likes the scared shimmy the little Paduan does.
  6. There is no way you think it’s better than 4-6. You’re just being a @Taylor.
  7. Oh no, Rogue One is woke and I just figured it out. Fuck you Kathleen Kennedy!
  8. And Jyn is a worthless woman we’re supposed to believe can climb shit.
  9. Imagine being so spineless you tattle on someone to Chuck.
  10. Rogue One is the only truly great Star Wars film made since the originals. I’m not up on the politics of it though. Is it hated because the blind chink and the terrorist pilot?
  11. Mmc reportered me after I called him an incel on the main board. Kids these days are triggered so easy.
  12. You sound so much like @Taylor it’s scary.
  13. There is no way anyone thinks Last Jedi was the best Star Wars movie. It was fine but calling it the best is just Taylor trying to rile you dummies up.
  14. You guys know I was talking about African Americans. Stop being obtuse.
  15. Yeah there’s a few black doctors, too, but my point still stands.
  16. With Nugent, Baio and Rosanne, that would be one hell of a sitcom cast.
  17. So he’s got a big nose and sucks at sports, do you want me to spell everything out for you?
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