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Everything posted by Jeremiah

  1. You're right. It's just white people. "Ending the Era of Harmful "Indian" Mascots. https://www.ncai.org/proudtobe I know you like to joke, but you've also said some of the most insightful stuff in the politics thread. You're better than this.
  2. Florida State, Utah, and Central Michigan have working partnerships with their local Native American tribes. UND has been the Fighting Hawks for a couple of years now. Illinois retired their Native American mascot in favor of a block "I" and are working on a new mascot (the belted kingfisher). Many of these names have been changed, and are continuing to change. That's the right thing to do. Native American people are not anyone's mascots. Reducing real people to these ridiculous stereotypes (faux native American chants, showing up in redface and fake headdresses, cheering with phony and stereotypical ephemera like drums and tomahawks) isn't honoring anyone. It would be completely unacceptable if it were directed at African- or Asian-Americans. Somehow it's cool to do that to Native Americans. Sorry, @Vegas Halo Fan.That isn't directed at you. FTR, I'm hoping they change it to "Spiders."
  3. I admit that I was wrong on how Pelinka would do running the org. He's had a really great couple of offseasons. This one was a really busy one. I can see why the AD deal seemingly took so long. His agent was already busy with the Harrell, KCP, and LeBron deals (I think Rich Paul has quietly become the Scott Boras of the NBA). The details have not been released that I've seen, but I'm really happy they locked up AD in the prime of his career for the max length instead of the shorter deal with more opt outs. They worked quickly, made really solid moves (Schroeder, Matthews, Gasol, etc), and are loaded for another title run.
  4. I was thinking along those lines as well. If Fletch's better position is 2B, then the team should go after a SS on the market. I know Semien isn't many people's favorite option, but he plays good defense. Perhaps the team can get Simba back on a one-year deal so he'll hit FA again in what should be a better market next offseason, assuming that fans will be allowed back at some point next season.
  5. Indeed, he was, and rightfully so. I imagine that’s only a tiny fraction of the amount of BS Ng has dealt with in her career. https://www.espn.com/mlb/news/story?id=1665046
  6. Also, this happened while she was working for the Dodgers: https://www.espn.com/mlb/news/story?id=1662212 So, yeah, her hiring as GM is a big deal.
  7. I'm happy to hear she will get the chance after being an assistant with other organizations. There weren't a lot of these jobs open this offseason. I'm glad she got one of them. I think it remains to be seen how good the MIA job is, though. Will it be a situation where they can keep their homegrown talent (Stanton, Yelich), or will they still sell off players like that because of cost?
  8. I share this sentiment, and would have even absent the DUI arrest, but I feel like the team should have let him go after this.
  9. I think we should officially change "Hall of Famer" to "Hall of Famer Baseball Person."
  10. I think that would be a pretty solid way to go. There are many ways to build a club. We need pitching, but if the market for that pitching doesn't materialize, then they have to be open to other avenues.
  11. This Twitter account has been translating Trump's tweets into more "presidential" language. Used to be called "PresidentialTrump."
  12. Not to mention they had another executive supplying opioids to a player who died of an overdose.
  13. It will be the theme of his speech announcing his candidacy for the 2024 election.
  14. Now that you describe it like that, it's kind of like politics.
  15. I have a legal question here. I know @calscufis a lawyer. I seem to remember that you are as well. Why wait to file this lawsuit? If the firing was indeed wrongful, wouldn't it be better to file that suit right away? Perhaps something in the termination agreement that the Astros and MLB didn't live up to?
  16. This is America, sir. We don't eat it that way. I suppose we're like that about everything, aren't we?
  17. I will give Trump credit for wanting to get rid of Tik Tok.
  18. In the aggregate, that's a good thing. It means more people are voting. No one is saying Biden is the best candidate in history (at least no one here, anyway), but enough people were engaged enough to get out and vote. More people voting is a good thing for any functioning democracy.
  19. I am genuinely curious to see what a lame duck Trump will do.
  20. Trump's lead in GA is down to about 2500 votes with about 20,000 more to be counted. As @mymerlincatnoted, the AZ race continues to tighten up with there still being about 275,000 votes yet to count. PA is now at about 50,000 to Trump with large numbers of mail-in and provisional ballots still to count.
  21. Of that I have no doubt. Someone was speculating here that Don Jr. would run in '24, but I think 45 runs again. His ego just won't be able to sit it out.
  22. Kelly Loeffler ran her campaign on how Trump-y she is. Her banners and signs even resemble the Trump-Pence ones. With GA possibly going to Biden, that may not have been the best strategy.
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