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Everything posted by TobiasFunke

  1. We can't trade Howie until we've had a Howie bobblehead night. It's criminal that he hasn't had one already.
  2. Thanks, I thought it was time for a change and nothing better than Milo.
  3. These two are what I had in mind when making the comment
  4. I wish they made different types of land other than road and pavent just to change up the look of the town. Maybe like a mud option or a dirt/gravel option.
  5. Thank god the Premier League starts in a few weeks
  6. To be honest, I'd love to respond back to you MT but I'm over discussing my opinions about this topic on here.
  7. If I've learned one thing from watching hours and hours of Locked Up, it's that guys like Castro get what's coming to them.
  8. Gee Mudville, you're right! Sorry guys I've had it wrong all along. It's totally ok to shoot and kill anybody who is kicking your ass. Nothing to see here, move along. /thread
  9. That's great that he was getting his ass kicked. I still don't think it gives him a free pass to shoot and kill him. And I'm shocked that so many of you on here do.
  10. Tank, if you like that Symarip song, I can suggest a ton more awesome skinhead reggae groups. I'm sure pbone can also.
  11. I'm sure he did feel threaten. And I would agree with your second paragraph.
  12. At the least. I guess I'm just shocked that so many people on here are cool with someone getting shot and killed and all the other guy had to say was, my life was threatened so I should get off with no problems. I feel that if you take a life there should be consequences.
  13. I haven't been able to find an original on Trojan other than ones that are way too much from the UK.Plus I try to steer clear of buying stuff from Europe on eBay.
  14. You're kidding me?? I hate being out of the music game. I'm completely out of the loop.
  15. Pbone! Great choice! With a Symarip reference, you and I would get along just fine.
  16. You wouldn't know about opinions LT, because everything out of your mouth is a fact right?
  17. Not talking random great punk and hardcore covers. My two favorites have got to be: RAGE covering Springsteen's "The Ghost of Tom Joad" The Animals covering Dylan's cover of Dave Van Ronk's cover of Woody Guthrie's cover of Leadbelly's cover, etc. of "House of the Rising Sun"
  18. Like I said, looks like cuts on the back of his head. So to defend himself he murdered an unarmed guy.
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