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Everything posted by TobiasFunke

  1. Good to see Florida defending their title for scummiest state
  2. Toots and the Maytals does a great Country Road cover also
  3. So you think that asking for extra sauce or salsa warrants a tip?
  4. Should have to wear them on their suits like a NASCAR car
  5. I just discovered the first Scorpions album. It's absolutely awesome!
  6. Probably wont pay the money to see it in theaters but can't wait to net flick it
  7. I feel like there should be chairs in the audience
  8. Yea, I certainly won't argue about the lyrics, but vocally I think he's totally original and amazing. But I'm not here to change your mind on anything, just musical conversation.
  9. I just discovered Kraftwerk. I'm still unsure how I feel about them but I think I like it...
  10. Really? Vocally you don't see them as special? I think Bruce Dickensen was a pioneer in rock(metal) vocals.
  11. Metal fans would crucify me but I prefer the Paul Di'anno era over the Bruce Dickenson era
  12. Check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26_LwtKgMMA
  13. I prefer the Kingston Trio's version but the Beach Boys version is a classic. Since you brought up the Beach Boys and noticed my avatar, I'll post this amazing cover. One of my favorites of all time...
  14. You should find out when a Hurling match is taking place. It's the greatest sport on the planet (and also a 2nd cousin of baseball).
  15. Since it's one of my favorite soundtracks and the entire thing is amazing, I'll post my two favorite songs from the I Am Sam soundtrack.
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