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Everything posted by Schildog

  1. winner of game 5 wins the series. i'm a bit worried as san jose could have swept the kings if i'm honest.
  2. you just knew that quick whistle would make a difference. it's a shame it did. i'd rather kings lost by 2.
  3. was it 98 when everyone got their heads out of their asses after in fight in kc? maybe it's something they need to bring them together.
  4. $550 mil. it's still an idiot tax.
  5. the team sucks anyhow. let tommy deal with his issues.
  6. really? they were brilliant against the canucks. i can see it being 7 games. i ****ing hate the sharks.
  7. he's got as much chance to go ballistic as north korea does.
  8. more n.c. fun: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/08/north-carolina-teen-std-testing_n_3241157.html they back out but thinking in the first place is ridiculous.
  9. i didn't even know you could tailgate in the stadium anymore.
  10. the series is looking likely at this point
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