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Amazing Larry

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Everything posted by Amazing Larry

  1. This offseason is an epic fail if the rotation is set.
  2. No, I think I like the roof/windows analogy better. Right now we're looking outside at the rain through clear, double-pained, insulated windows with water dripping on top of our heads.
  3. So they whiffed on every notable FA pitcher of the offseason? I’m not even mad, I’m impressed.
  4. Trout’s probably really stoked right now.
  5. Ryu to Toronto? Alright... now I’m pissed.
  6. Did she jerk off the guitar neck? That is fantastic.
  7. This was passed in the spending bill. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columnists/the-u-s-export-import-bank-is-chinas-cash-cow
  8. I believe he’s talking about if he was removed from office.
  9. He had a prior DUI and he refused a lawyer. Surprised he didn’t get the death penalty.
  10. $1.4 trillion for a single year. This country is fucked.
  11. Now Pelosi is withholding the articles of impeachment from the Senate. Lol what a fucking clown show this is. It's all just a game.
  12. How many house seats do the dems lose over this? Place ya bets. Place ya bets.
  13. Good. Probably a bunch of spending bills anyway.
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