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Amazing Larry

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Everything posted by Amazing Larry

  1. Ooooooohhh... precious fooooooooood!!! lmao
  2. Protection. Pitchers will throw to Hamilton if both Pujols and Trumbo are behind him. It's worth a shot. If Hamilton can get on one of those streaks he is so famous for, he could pull this team back up to .500.
  3. That's something I can get behind now that Bourjos is out.
  4. The one where he ran almost straight back and then had to bounce off the wall? I didn't think that was all that bad.
  5. It's sounds weird but I am looking forward to it. I've been numb to baseball pain since '86.
  6. He looked fine in CF last night. The bad attempt to catch that ball was in LF.
  7. Voting for the 2013 Allstar game started last week. Who do you think should represent the Angels? I think: - Bourjos (if he's healthy) - Trumbo (please no HR derby this year)
  8. I don't think many people on this board believe the Angels don't care. It's only a select few that happen to be very vocal.
  9. Reagins is still in the organization so Arte has his whipping boy. I want to see Scioscia completely toss this lineup upside down. Do something crazy. Play jazz.
  10. I am convinced that if Josh doesn't swing at all in today's game he will be on base after every AB. It's nothing but sliders down and away off the plate. Don't swing today Josh. Thanks.
  11. I'm not giving up on the season yet. If this team turns it around and turns into a playoff contender of course I will give Scioscia credit.
  12. Hopefully they play better tommorow today.
  13. I saw batters hit with RISP tonight. I had to slap myself in the face to make sure it was real.
  14. Sweet. All your progress down the crapper. So what's your new name?
  15. The score of the Astros/Yankees game is now 9-1. Take a wild guess at who has the lone RBI for the Yankees.
  16. That being said, I probably shouldn't call Scioscia a fatass. Dude's never done me wrong personally.
  17. If I were Arte I would have a smile from ear to ear because I would be a friggin' billionaire.
  18. The Angels org does things for this website because they find it beneficial to them. If they felt this website hindered their business Chuck would surely be notified of their concerns. I thank them by buying tickets and spending money at the games. When this team shows me something to deserve my praise on this board, I'll be sure to express it. That way nobody's feelings are hurt.
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