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Amazing Larry

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Everything posted by Amazing Larry

  1. Although I agree with the way North Dakota is handling their budget, isn't fracking a major reason for the job boost in your area?
  2. I'll back tomsred up. It hurts like a b*tch and staying off the injured foot is the fastest way toward healing it. I remember when I had plantar fasciitis on the bottom of my right foot I got cocky and tried to run/jog on it too early. I re-aggravated the injury and it set me back another 3-4 weeks.
  3. If Bryce came to the Angels he would immediately suck and there would be a 10-page thread about who should be fired for his crappy play.
  4. Not sure, but all this talk of pr0ning people out and making them strip has got me all hot and bothered.
  5. Great. We have a massive manhunt and our superheroes are out sightseeing. What a-holes.
  6. He's talking about the president of Chechnya
  7. http://www.myfoxboston.com/story/22017201/2013/04/18/fbi-confirms-photo-of-possible-2nd-bomber-possible-bomb-before-explosion#ixzz2Qqjmrxrm
  8. The police have cancelled the search for a green honda.
  9. Here's a picture. It shows the suspect, the bomb, and the kid that was killed.
  10. Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  11. Another of Tsarnaev's tweets from Tuesday reads, "So then I says to him, I says, relax bro my beard is not loaded." On Friday, another Twitter user retweeted that message, and added the words, "But my backpack is." Wow.
  12. The Royals are on lockdown. http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20130419&content_id=45214390&vkey=news_kc&c_id=kc
  13. Crazy pictures of Boston and the surrounding areas while this goes down. http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/04/18/mit-police-officer-hit-gunfire-cambridge-police-dispatcher-says/4UeCClOVeLr8PHLvDa99zK/picture.html
  14. The staties are going to execute a controlled explosion at the suspect's house. Probably booby trapped.
  15. I wonder what the final bill will be for all of this. It's got to be in the tens of millions.
  16. The dead one was a boxer. He also converted his American girlfriend to Islam. He's apparently one hell of a dresser.
  17. The sister has chimed in. http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2013/04/west_new_york_woman_identifyin.html#incart_big-photo
  18. They should have fled to Newport Coast and just blended in.
  19. That cracked me up. "You can see behind me there is a car. It is black and driving down the street."
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