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Everything posted by HaloMagic

  1. It's not a snarky comment. It's unfortunate that you saw it that way. It's a honest question as to how reading your experience differs in legitimacy from the experiences of others if all are read by strangers on the internet. It wasn't really directed towards you (hence me referring to you in third- and not second-person and quoting not your post but someone else's). You are certainly welcome to voice your opinion to or about the question but I don't really think anyone is confused as to the reason behind your view of legitimacy of your own experience. Or even those you personally know. But my question is, if someone doesn't personally know you (as is, I assume, the case with AFL and AJ) then how would reading your experience online differ in their mind from when they read others who they also don't know on the exact same medium? Why would it have more legitimacy? Why would it be expected to have more legitimacy?
  2. Bernie actually supports the second amendment.
  3. Why would that matter? Wouldn't it just be you reading in online like all the other ones?
  4. So the pharma companies are using all their money to pay for research on these advanced treatments, insurances companies have super low profit margins, and now hospitals aren't making any money either?There's a shit-ton of money that must be disappearing out of our system somewhere. Maybe we should check Panama.
  5. Wouldn't all of us reading blarg's first hand knowledge online be the exact same as reading other's first hand knowledge online?
  6. This is one of those smart ideas that we've pushed for but I honestly didn't see it ever happening. It always made me wonder why the states didn't just do this instead of fighting but I guess I kinda just figured that they liked to fight.
  7. It's not like he's so far behind that it's unfathomable. He's only 280 votes behind in pledged delegates with over 2000 still on the table. It's not likely with her lead in superdelegates but they could switch. It's not like there is no precedent for this.
  8. Is it really people's official standpoint that it's a worse situation to pay 40% of $250k than it is to pay 10% of $16k? Because if it is I'm sure you could drop your higher paying job and go part-time somewhere. Just if that's better for you.
  9. Nate, how do you reconcile the immigration expansion of the 1990s with the extreme growth of our economy in the same period?
  10. LOL @ without a point. The point was Trout made a hypocritical statement.
  11. "I don't try to show anybody up. Whatever somebody else does, that's what they do." - Mike Trout
  12. Is there a requisite number needed to find to show hypocrisy?
  13. And perhaps if Trout was true to his word he wouldn't have completed the response.
  14. We agree with each other. With the exception that I don't mind taxes. I mind waste. Unfortunately taxes inevitably lead to waste.
  15. Pretty sure cals Cosby's drinks at the bar. Don't think I'd want to get caught up in that shit. I'm out.
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