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Posts posted by HaloMagic

  1. 10 hours ago, Angels N Skins said:

    And she should. Especially if stuff like this ends up being true. It's amazing anyone supports her


    Is this illegal? If they aren't involved right now then what is wrong with them supporting the candidate they want? And if there is some COI later couldn't the people who donated recuse themselves?


    I don't know the full law but I'm not seeing the issue.

  2. Isn't this just free market? A company deciding that they'd rather lose a little money in one sector than lose a lot of money by having people think they are racist?


    So now not only do we want companies to be racist if they want, we want them to be racist even if they don't want?


    Good grief. The SJWs may be one thing but the Free Market Warriors are so twisted they don't even understand the thing they are fighting for.

  3. I disagree. You can't print gold and it has retained an appreciated value throughout time. Currencies come and go but gold sticks around. I'm on my phone right now but there is a good chart of the life and death of reserve currencies. The US dollar is losing it's stability so we'll see how much longer it lasts as the world reserve currency.

    The price of gold has heavy fluctuations throughout history as well. Every currency does.

  4. Everything is funny money. Gold isn't any different. The only reason gold holds value is because people value it. People also value fiat currency. We act like they're different but they aren't that different. If people suspect that the money supply is being inflated it loses its value. The valuation is determined by the people, just like gold standard.

    I'm not big on the Federal Reserve but I'm less big on gold standard nuts. The system will always be whatever we make it. Backing our money with gold doesn't solve anything.

  5. If you have erratic driving and refuse to clear yourself through submitting to a breathalyzer in the field that is practically the definition of probable cause. I'm not sure how to solve it from there but I wouldn't mind revoking someones right to drive permanently in lieu of forcing a blood test. Don't want to help clear yourself? Now you can never drive again.

  6. Joe didn't whip a bunch of lovable losers into shape, that team is stacked from years of high draft picks.

    They certainly aren't lovable losers but almost no one of importance on that team is a high Cubs draft pick. Bryant is the only starter. Schwarber is out for the year. Baez is like a third-string 2b. And Szczur is the only other player on the team drafted by them. In the 5th round. Literally none of their pitchers were drafted by them. Not a single one.

    The team is stacked, but not as a result of high draft picks. It's been smart trades and signings that made the Cubs.

  7. What I don't get about truthers is if the government allowed a plane to be hijacked and crashed into the North Tower and they allowed a plane to be hijacked and crashed into the South Tower and they allowed a plane to be hijacked and crashed into a field why would they shoot a missile at the Pentagon? Why wouldn't they just allow another plane to be hijacked and crashed? Doesn't make sense.

    I could actually go along with the government involvement thing until they start saying weird things like this. Then it makes me start to doubt all of the logical things they say, too.

  8. So you have nothing, it was pretty obvious from the start. You could just admit it our back out but instead you keep pushing an argument that has no teeth. Try getting some facts then come back to the discussion.

    Do you have any proof they are worse at anything except bladder cancer prognosis?

  9. If you would like to rebutt my assertion that the UK does a poor job with bladder cancer then please provide what facts you can.

    And for the other 99.9% of us who won't be diagnosed with bladder cancer this year, is there a different way we could evaluate the US health care system?

  10. No one attacked you. Calm down. I simply took issue with cat implying that your insight should be held higher than the insight of others if the audience is people you don't know on the internet. He implied that yours was more valuable. I disagree.

    Do you have anything to add to that? If not then I can go back to waiting for cat to respond, which is what I was doing before you got offended.

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