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Everything posted by RallyMo

  1. They would be confused by the superior intellectual content of our posts.
  2. Maybe I accidentally hit delete when I was quoting your post and then pressed the quote button. They're right next to each other on the mobile version. Well, close enough. I don't see how else it could have happened. Whatever, I'll leave my crazy response.
  3. Where did your post go? Now I look crazy.
  4. I love the Hi liter unis! The game for which they used those for the first time was one of the more epic events I've been to in terms of crowd noise, much louder than the 2002 playoffs. We were on our feet and screaming at Oregon and their hurry up for 60 minutes straight. It was awesome.
  5. I really liked it, but wasn't too keen on the ending. What did you think about how it closed out?
  6. Yet more disgusting uniform deviations that bastardize the college game. GO USC! FIGHT ON! TRADITION RULES!
  7. Apes: 9.5/10 machine gun toting chimps. Koba has to be one of my most hated characters ever. Serkis is amazing (again) as Caesar. I'll say the same thing I said about "Rise..." of "Dawn..." : it has absolutely no business being as good a film as it is. They have overachieved in almost every respect with both of these films. Bravo.
  8. ...and that is why you will only watch the 2014 season via binge watching over the course of a couple of weeks in mid November, right? Netflix has ruined everything.
  9. Looking at that zone, it's pretty clear that there is little room for error when pitching to Trout.
  10. Exactly how many pitches should he be swinging at that are above the strike zone?
  11. They were just following the Rangers' example.
  12. If we had a real manager, we'd be on pace for more than the almost 100 wins we're close to being on track for at this point.
  13. I know that the fact that it's not a direct link to a Yahoo! slideshow must be distressing to you. I apologize.
  14. Shouldn't he have to choose a Ray since they won't be represented?
  15. The regular height crown ones look stupid on me.
  16. Damn, anything less than a playoff appearance and at least one victory is a abominable failure. Meanwhile, we're hoping for two wins.
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