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Everything posted by shellback

  1. its amusing the way national baseball media portrays scioscia as "one of the greatest managers in baseball" and then goes into what a great plate blocker he was as a catcher.
  2. stern and jim bowden ( ex cincy and washington gm) have a radio talk show on xm mlb channel. anyway, the other day stern made a statement referring to orange county "as not a baseball town" and elaborated that the fans show up in about the third inning and leave by the sixth. also stated that " the laid back, blaze` attitude of the fans rubs off on the team". team sure looks laid back in the early going! what do you guys think of stern's comments?
  3. as long as attedance stays high what the hell should arte care? its about money. and as long as the team meets economic projections, i doubt much will change.
  4. dependency on calculators has turned us into math bozos. except maybe graphing calculators and the like. i always figured "what are you gonna do if you forget your calculator? playing cribbage during long hours at sea helped with arithmetic.
  5. nothin like a sore armed pitcher i always say! i thought after his knee surgery this guy would be nails. he had a real good strech for us at one point. he can top out at 97 with a couple of out pitches. considering the present state of our bullpen, im hanging in there with this guy.
  6. i heard sore shoulder. mri? results?
  7. great idea on the angels memoribilia. i'm gonna do it. reminicience guided by others is really important for the very old. professionally, i should know this but it just turns into a mess when your emotions are directly involved. the angels are huge in her heart. and my brothers. and mine. thank you again for your kind words.
  8. my earliest memories recall her saying "Bo Belinsky is dreamy" and not being able to figure out what the hell dreamy meant. carried me to an angel game at wrigley field when i was a wee lad. watched angel games exclusively on channel 5 and supported the team through thier decades long struggles. many crushes on angel players jim fregosi, bobby knoop, luis polonia (tried to explain about polonia but oh well). carted my ass to little leauge, babe ruth. paid for my equipment and enjoyed my triumphs and supported me through rough spots. made supporting the angels a family tradition. tomorrow begins the process of placing her in a nursing home in coer d' alene idaho. she is 93yrs old and suffers from stage 2 dementia. i owe my mom alot. i'll see to it she has the mlb package so she can watch her beloved angels. thanks for reading this
  9. clean house? it aint gonna screw things up anymore than they are now!
  10. DP had nothing to do with that stupid contract that was given to scioscia. now what we have is a philosophical/strategy war going on between the manager and gm. probably a king sized personality conflict as well, but thats just a guess. sometimes i swear i think scioscia purposely tanks in game decisions just to prove dp's moves are wrong. yes, i am a paranoid. but the fact remains that there is tension between ms and dp and they dont appear to work and play well together. cleaning up this relationship would do nothing but help the team.
  11. friends with great hindsight tell me "Dipoto should have spent all that money on pitching" well, there wasn't any out there. grienke was way overpriced and dp did what he could through trades and decent bullpen signings. the problem with this team is not dp. there's lots of blame to go around but i think field management/coaching has alot of the responsibility for this mess. this season aint lookin pretty
  12. watch what happens when attendance continues to tank!
  13. thats what it is-luck
  14. trumbo's a monster. one of the few players in mlb i'd pay to see.
  15. this is kinda obscure but... while living 250 miles from the big a i don't get the chance to attend games in person. it's really difficult to get perspective from tv on certain performance aspects of the players and coaches. specifically, how does dino ebels decision making as far as sending runners or holding them look to you guys? does he get too close to the runners path when the runner is sent home? this is more obvious- how does the dugout look in respect to the players interacting with the coaches/ each other? whats the mood in the dugout appear to be? thanks for the comebacks- can't base a critical,objective opinion on alot of stuff from tv.
  16. "i used to be digusted now im just amused" -elvis costello
  17. and most of those guys turned out to be dogs, with the exception of grich. watching those teams, i was convinced that free agency ruined mlb. my god, the money mr autry spent...
  18. guess we just have to wait it out... change will come eventually even if its a change for the worse. when they start not putting asses in the seats, then there'll be change.
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